I'm sorry I didn't watch your band, sonny. Why didn't you just yell, "watch me, Daddy, watch me?"
You didn't want to see the kids fresh out of the proverbial basement play their probably inexperienced, half-assed music? Nothing wrong with that. After all, you've really done some hard time in the tough, mean world of music. Why should you, fresh off the almost deadly road have to watch some kids dick around with instruments two sizes too big? Pardon the sarcasm. No, really, what I think is uncool is displaying a holier than though "go play wit yer tonka trucks and let the big boys do the real work" attitude, discouraging kids from playing music, while stroking your ego simultaniously. That's double chump points in one sentance. Pretty good. But I guess you're too busy rocking the hell out, though, to care about hurting the feelings of some young boys. Or coming up with your own album name, for that matter.
Although, that's just the biased opinion of the kid drummer from said opening act.
P.S Your band sucks. But that's niether here nor there.