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Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:34 pm
by Mark Lansing_Archive
MOTOPAC wrote:Actually Tim Ford hasn't been playing with us for over a year now.

Dag! That's what I get for not talking to the guy for a while. The nice stuff I said about M.O.T.O still stands.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:04 am
by Terrainasaur_Archive
I'm sorry I didn't watch your band, sonny. Why didn't you just yell, "watch me, Daddy, watch me?"

You didn't want to see the kids fresh out of the proverbial basement play their probably inexperienced, half-assed music? Nothing wrong with that. After all, you've really done some hard time in the tough, mean world of music. Why should you, fresh off the almost deadly road have to watch some kids dick around with instruments two sizes too big? Pardon the sarcasm. No, really, what I think is uncool is displaying a holier than though "go play wit yer tonka trucks and let the big boys do the real work" attitude, discouraging kids from playing music, while stroking your ego simultaniously. That's double chump points in one sentance. Pretty good. But I guess you're too busy rocking the hell out, though, to care about hurting the feelings of some young boys. Or coming up with your own album name, for that matter.

Although, that's just the biased opinion of the kid drummer from said opening act.

P.S Your band sucks. But that's niether here nor there.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:18 am
by John W_Archive
Why are you obligated to pay attention to it just because it's kids doing it? What if it just sucks?

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:28 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
Terrainasaur wrote:.

Hey, seriously Terrainasaur.. it seems like a drag what you are saying. It seems you are upset that a band you opened for did not watch you play your songs. It also seems like THAT is why you think they are not a good band. That is really childish. You have NO idea why they did not watch you anyway. Many bands that tour and travel have NO freakin time to eat dinner, call their wives, take a proper crap, etc. after they have driven hours to get to the club for soundcheck. Maybe they have friends in town...relatives... Maybe they need some quiet time before they play. If you are going to have that thin of skin, maybe you were not cut out for such things as performing in front of people. Maybe you can pick out something that you can do with no worries of having your feeling hurt. Or, you could grow up.

By the way, MOTO are a great band and have been since you were in second grade.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:52 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
Terrainasaur wrote:P.S Your band sucks. But that's niether here nor there.

Technically, it is right here.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:15 pm
by Terrainasaur_Archive
Hey, seriously Terrainasaur.. it seems like a drag what you are saying. It seems you are upset that a band you opened for did not watch you play your songs.

You're right. I should have put more emphasis on the fact that I really don't care about whether they wanted to watch us or not. I didn't feel insulted, because I'm not playing music to impress people.

What pissed me off was the condescending, jock-ish attitude that the moto dude took on, when Banjoboy complained that he didn't watch us. However, my ranting got the better of me, and the point lost clarity.

And I dislike MOTO because, to me, their music is grating and anthemic, and uninteresting at best.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:13 pm
by MOTOPAC_Archive
Terrainasaur wrote:
You didn't want to see the kids fresh out of the proverbial basement play their probably inexperienced, half-assed music? Nothing wrong with that. After all, you've really done some hard time in the tough, mean world of music. Why should you, fresh off the almost deadly road have to watch some kids dick around with instruments two sizes too big? Pardon the sarcasm.

What sarcasm? You're making perfect sense for a change. Now go back in the basement and practice.

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:51 pm
by MOTOPAC_Archive
I DO remember seeing a good teen-aged band open for us in El Paso last June - I think they were called Weenus - they weren't old enough to be in the bar we played in, but they played a pretty tight and spirited set. They had a pint-sized lead guitarist who was only 14 but quite an ace.

Perhaps if YOUR set were as good we might have stayed for you as well.

Were you one of the opening bands at The Crow's Nest in Cottage Grove, Oregon last June?

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:37 pm
by mattw_Archive
So great, these teenaged banter!

I know you are, but what am I?

Band: M.O.T.O.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:50 am
by Terrainasaur_Archive
Were you one of the opening bands at The Crow's Nest in Cottage Grove, Oregon last June?

Yeah, we were the first band.