numberthirty wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:56 pm
elisha wiesner wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:21 am
EH just announced that they're taking orders and will be shipping new tubes in April.
Did they find a magic wand?
Yeah no fuck this. From the EHX store:
please read in a hack comic's ham-handed Russian accent wrote:
Attention All EHX Tube Customers
The export restriction on Russian tubes has been resolved for now. We are accepting new orders, processing backorders, and hoping to resume shipping in April. Priority will be given to the oldest orders.
They're continuing to buy from their Russian mfgs. Personally, I can't get down with this. I don't want to get on a high-horse because holy shit the US has done awful, horrible, horrendous stuff and it makes me sick looking at my tax witholding knowing where it goes... but goddam I cannot purchase anything knowing it's going to Russian bank accounts right now.
Sure wish I knew what JJ Tesla was up to. Seems like they're well poised to fatten up their bank.