“ You’re welcome”

Total votes: 1 (4%)
Perfectly normal, what the hell is wrong with you?
Total votes: 23 (96%)
Total votes: 24

Re: Smug/not smug: saying “you’re welcome”

dontfeartheringo wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 7:31 am
Frankie99 wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 5:21 pm
dontfeartheringo wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 2:24 pm

So you're the Expert now?
I listened to that book. He’s a smart person with some pretty awful policy ideas and some good observations.
I followed him for a while until I realized that Never Trump Republicans are still Republicans. He had one good point if you look at it in the most charitable light possible. If I took a step back, it just started to look like regular old gatekeeping. "The NY Times editorial page is Always Right" kind of bullshit.
I am unsurprised that a known peddler of Steely Dan has bad opinions on kids these days.

Re: Smug/not smug: saying “you’re welcome”

adriansnergleman wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 4:31 pm "No worries" makes my skin crawl. I wasn't worried, I was expressing gratitude for whatever you just did for me. Jesus.

Anthony Flack wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 12:52 am All the stone-cold classic kids' films like Toy Story or Ratatouille or the Incredibles or the Iron Giant or Robocop
I put these little things in hoping they will be appreciated by somebody so it's nice when they are. Still to my point - the script is as tight as a drum.

Re: Smug/not smug: saying “you’re welcome”

Jacques wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:37 pm Only condescending if you're a ghoul who says it without being thanked, which I absolutely loathe.
I feel like I’m saying it this way even when prompted by “thank you.” I think this is at least in part because I am frequently thanked for just doing my job. I don’t feel like I am doing anything special that deserves thanks, so I feel pompous when I say “you’re welcome” because I am very humble about what I do.
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