Band: The Replacements

Total votes: 14 (26%)
Total votes: 40 (74%)
Total votes: 54

Band: The Replacements

I'd managed to last this long without knowingly hearing the Replacements, but having just got the Rhino reissues I've been listening to Let It Be a lot, and it is definitely not crap.
daniel robert chapman wrote:The biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased cunts.

Band: The Replacements Band: The Replacements

I used to love the Replacements “ they were my favorite band back when I still had a favorite band “ but once the spell is broken it s hard to go back. There s just not enough really good music there, and nowadays the sentiment grates rather than resonates.They are emblematic of all the things you used to really care about where you now think, œHow could I ever have thought that was such a big deal?

Band: The Replacements Band: The Replacements

encalmo wrote:I used to love the Replacements “ they were my favorite band back when I still had a favorite band “ but once the spell is broken it s hard to go back. There s just not enough really good music there, and nowadays the sentiment grates rather than resonates.They are emblematic of all the things you used to really care about where you now think, œHow could I ever have thought that was such a big deal? That's pretty well said. I still like them, but seldom listen to them. They do hold a place in rock for being what they were at the time they were it. Like how you can see their influence on other, perhaps better, bands. Yeah. Not so well said.

Band: The Replacements Band: The Replacements

I've given the Replacements my first serious listen in my entire life. Yes, this is coming from a guy that's been a music obsessive since 15 or so, used to work at a record store, write/wrote about music, toured, etc. Get off my back about it.The abject worship of this band probably kept me away. I know, lame.I wouldn't stand for that if it was fugazi or the Melvins, but here we are.I can't say I've qualitatively delved into the whole thing. But I've listened a lot over the last weekend and I will say this:This is a NC band that got CRAP without ever truly being CRAP.Man, the high points in the catalog though... it's like Guided by Voices style in the rock 'n roll doesn't get much better than this.. I get that Bastards of Young is like the shallowest cut ever, but wow what a tune! God, what a mess... is a pretty fantastic opening line for a song that is pretty fantastic all around. This would rank as one of the 4 or 5 Replacements songs I can say that I've heard consistently, but never have I gave it my full attention. It's good.I've seen bands cover this song, and I get why... but none of them really captures it's power. And that's just that song too.Color Me Impressed. Well named.Unsatisfied? Pretty damn good. I can see where if you were to hit that song on that album at the right age it'd be like an expressway into your brain. Like I think that dude from Titus Andronicus was trying to say in that long winded review up thread.What else is there to say? It's all been said in this thread and beyond. I'm not just late to the party, i'm late to the after party. But even divorced from the late teen angst and early twenties directionless ennui that Westerberg trades in. These are some good tunes.And a lot of bullshit too, but mostly good tunes. Worship notwithstanding...A magnificent mess.
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.

Band: The Replacements Band: The Replacements

cneutron wrote:I've given the Replacements my first serious listen in my entire life. Yes, this is coming from a guy that's been a music obsessive since 15 or so, used to work at a record store, write/wrote about music, toured, etc. Get off my back about it.The abject worship of this band probably kept me away. I know, lame.I wouldn't stand for that if it was fugazi or the Melvins, but here we are.I can't say I've qualitatively delved into the whole thing. But I've listened a lot over the last weekend and I will say this:This is a NC band that got CRAP without ever truly being CRAP.Man, the high points in the catalog though... it's like Guided by Voices style in the "rock 'n roll doesn't get much better than this.". I get that Bastards of Young is like the shallowest cut ever, but wow what a tune! "God, what a mess..." is a pretty fantastic opening line for a song that is pretty fantastic all around. This would rank as one of the 4 or 5 Replacements songs I can say that I've heard consistently, but never have I gave it my full attention. It's good.I've seen bands cover this song, and I get why... but none of them really captures it's power. And that's just that song too.Color Me Impressed. Well named.Unsatisfied? Pretty damn good. I can see where if you were to hit that song on that album at the right age it'd be like an expressway into your brain. Like I think that dude from Titus Andronicus was trying to say in that long winded "review" up thread.What else is there to say? It's all been said in this thread and beyond. I'm not just late to the party, i'm late to the after party. But even divorced from the late teen angst and early twenties directionless ennui that Westerberg trades in. These are some good tunes.And a lot of bullshit too, but mostly good tunes. Worship notwithstanding...A magnificent mess.Nice. I only properly got into them a few years ago after finding a vinyl copy of Hootenanny for 50p in a charity shop. Obviously they "matured" (ie. went crap) later on, but since I never followed them from the beginning I never had that feeling of being let down on each new release. I like a couple of songs from All Shook Down and Don't Tell A Soul. They had to take a different direction, it would've been weird if Paul Westerberg had still been writing songs about riding the bus and having a shitty job after their success.

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