First Show You Ever Played With Out Of Town Bands

i think maybe the first show my band played with was with this really neat bass and drums noise duo from asheville called Dig Shovel Dig. the bassist shredded whilst playing casio with his one point the keyboard looped some thumping drumbeat while the bassist/singer and the drummer ran out and whispered lyrics into peoples' ears. the first show with nationally touring bands were either with california free jazzers Antennas Erupt and the psych folk Whysp, or The Panoply Academy. both were fairly similar encounters in which the only thing available were horrible Alabama house parties in which really amazing bands played to everyone's shock and awe, yet no one took money at the door or collected donations. thusly, i feel partly, and greatly, responsible for the break up of Panoply and Antennas Erupt, two of America's greatest punk bands.

First Show You Ever Played With Out Of Town Bands

Feb 1986, Two Fools Coffee House, DeKalb, Illinois. The Descendents. They were really, really good. Second show was also with them the next night at the West End in Chicago, booked at that time by Sue Miller. I'm fairly certain, though, that those shows were put together in some capacity by Ken Goodman from Pravda Records (although at the time, I don't think there really was a Pravda Records to speak of...).

First Show You Ever Played With Out Of Town Bands

There are some great bands in here to have opened for.

Anyone remember/know Gashuffer?

My first band played our first show opening for them at the Crazy Horse in Boise, ID back in 91 or early 92. It was totally packed. I remember my knees a little shakey

They poked a little fun of us cuz at the time we were calling ourselves 'Godhead' and our lead singer was an Eddie Vedder wannabe. Our bass player kicked our singer's ass a couple weeks later (for reasons other than getting poked fun of by Gashuffer) and we got a new singer and started calling the band 'Big Mud Wagon'.
my mustache will be named 'Rick'.

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