City: Minneapolis

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Total votes: 27 (90%)
Total votes: 30

City: Minneapolis

Schaal wrote:I agree 100% on the driving thing. People are shitty drivers here.

One thing I noticed walking around downtown Minneapolis is that drivers do not yield for pedestrians. Including, as I almost learned the hard way, the buses.

At least in New York people will honk or yell before flattening you.

City: Minneapolis

Mazec wrote:Little tip about Minne: Don't hang out around the bus station.

Ha! this is what I was thinking....I have only been in Minneapolis for a few hours during a layover on a bus trip....the bus station was as creepy as any bus station in any large city. I did eat at a nice cafe downtown and it was the only time that I have ever shaved in a public restroom.

Anyway, the place looked cool, and not knowing anything about Minnesota, I was under the impression that it was some small logging town (despite knowing its musical history) and was very surprised by how big it was....

I should be playing there in the spring....looking forward to it.....
Give me a place to live in NYC and I will play in your band

Yay! I have a Myspace page!

City: Minneapolis

once my buddy Bill and i were biking to a party in south Minneapolis, mostly via side streets, and upon crossing paths with a jeep at a 4 way stop (we had the right of way, and the jeep hadn't even reached the stop sign yet) the driver honked his horn and at us and proceeded to do a sharp left turn with every intention of hitting us. i quickly veered in between a couple parked cars. Bill escaped being hit too but in no time flat whipped out his baton --- my friend Bill, who bikes year round, carries a retractable metal baton to fend off Twin Cities motorists. salut Bill!

City: Minneapolis

lemur68 wrote:One thing I noticed walking around downtown Minneapolis is that drivers do not yield for pedestrians.

This description is an almost perfect encapsulation of the fake-o big city-ness that I have repeatedly noticed in Minneapolis.

My experience is that true big city dwellers encrust themselves with a general disregard for other humans as a means of making their days manageably non-depressing and reasonably efficient. This disregard can go so far as to stepping over another person whom said big city dweller could easily save with the cast-off crust of a stale sandwich or the casting of a not-entirely-murderous glance.

However, no true big city person would ever run over a pedestrian purposely.

Why, that could tie up traffic!

I mean, people have places to be in, say, Chicago, or at least they have legitimate obstacles to overcome (i.e., by virtue of the human crush they they face) in order to get there -- and bumper meat does not get those people there any more quickly. But Minneapolitans, they have the time to run over another person and then explain their legitimate basis for doing so to the relevant authorities.


'Cuz they ain't nothin' doin', nahmsayn?

So put upon, the Vikings fans of Eden Prairie! What with their big city problems and all!

Minneapolis is a fake-o big city that pretends to be big city. Relax, Minis, and enjoy your little lives. Stop pretending, for fuxx sake.

But you never know.

Maybe I'll move to this place.

I follow the $.

What with me being a prostitute and all.

City: Minneapolis

Minotaur029 wrote:2) I love how when you get south of NW Indiana/into Ohio, the accents turn nearly Southern (if not completely Southern [see: below an invisible line in Illinois, the rest of Indiana, Kentucky]).

That line in Ohio is represented by I-70, which runs right through Columbus, and you can notice it even within the city. It's why we call the southwestern suburb of Grove City "Grovetucky."

City: Minneapolis

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
Minneapolis is a fake-o big city that pretends to be big city. Relax, Minis, and enjoy your little lives. Stop pretending, for fuxx sake.


2nd day i moved there i was looking for let it be
i ask a cop where nicolet (pronouncing it correctly)

he has no idea..
he says "you mean NickLet Mall?"

i say "It's's French.."

and with Let it Be gone now???
how terrible..
well at least you now have zero reason to go to Nicolet Mall

the River has some great walking paths..

pretty women in Mpls..really good sex under one of the bridges

Minneapolis has lovely springs/summers..

but a christian tall bike gang?

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