Minotaur029 wrote:As long as he doesn't push around his "superiors" on the board, he's free to fuck with smart people like Protoolio, etc.
I'm smart but I am not a "superior"?
Seriously though, either stand up to him or ignore him but don't go running to the mods about him.
Matthew left because his arguments were weak and he was consistently called on them and couldn't defend them. But nobody kicked him off for them even though he could be a dick about it too. For Rick, in his mind, his views are rock solid and he will defend them tirelessly and dickishly if need be. I will too if the mood strikes me. Matthew's ideas could fall like a house of cards with one strong breath. Good ideas and facts will win out over spin and lies. But only if we all have freedom to speak.
I've trapped myself into long and drawn out pissing matches with Rick too because I was angry about something else or had too much time on my hands at work and got very frustrated with him. But I never asked him to be banned. In reflecting back, I decided I had wasted both of our time and effort just because I was being a bitch about some gray issue between us that had no resolution. It's not like this thread with tocharin who is so clearly, tragically and pompously wrong about rock.
If anyone like Ricky or Matthew were actually kicked I would leave this forum for good because I would no longer be free to express myself. Expressing myself includes arguing with other people. I need to be free to do that. If not, at some point I would cross some arbitrary line with the mods and be banned myself. Fuck that.