son of rank: the kenny

Angus Jung wrote:Bonus Kenny: The beads of spittle that fly out of Michael McDonald's mouth and cling to his beard when he really leans into his vocals on "Takin' It To The Streets."

JB= Mike Dillard's ass-sweat from one of the drumsticks he keeps back there during a performance

JW= Little boy cum dripping out the corner of Michael Jackson's mouth

KEN you dig it:

The barely competent mid-market 10:00 TV newscasters you swear must be baked off their asses.

son of rank: the kenny

Kenny: Air America

j.b. the stand up comedy of sinbad

j.w. having a collection of 10,000 cds. all 10,000 of the cds are ac/dc's
back in black

One Of My Favorite Aerosmith Songs, Mama Ken: Going fishing all day with your Dad, with neither of you having very much to say to the other.

j.b. sleeping with a girl that you don't really like and her wanting to "hang
out" the entire day the following day. you'd like to leave, but she's your
ride home and you feel too bad to tell her to take you home instead.

j.w. a business acquaintance asking you to go to dinner so that you can
"get to know each other socially."

kenny! jim j. bullock - luge (the goal of this kenny being that a particular
person is an inanimate object)

son of rank: the kenny

Kenny: Vikings

JB: Giants, with huge clubs in their hands, wearing ghetto togas, who mix in a "Fe Fi Fo Fum" every once in a while.
JW: Fran Tarkenton on "That's Incredible!"

"Kenny Boy" Lay, ex-CEO, Enron:

Jumping on a trampoline and feeling extremely giddy, yet increasingly nauseous.

son of rank: the kenny

Angus Jung wrote:
"Kenny Boy" Lay, ex-CEO, Enron:

Jumping on a trampoline and feeling extremely giddy, yet increasingly nauseous.

JB: Doing 'beer-bongs' at parties in high school.

JW: Beginning your very first ascent to the top of the American Eagle coaster at Six Flags, when the locking mechanism suddenly pops open on the people in the car in front of you.

ken you dig: Dennis DeYoung in line at guitar center asking the 17 year old cashier behind the counter, "Do you know who I am?" then proceding to sing the first verse of Lady and getting this response: "Are you a singer or something?"
be good or be good at it....

son of rank: the kenny

jupiter wrote:
ken you dig: Dennis DeYoung in line at guitar center asking the 17 year old cashier behind the counter, "Do you know who I am?" then proceding to sing the first verse of Lady and getting this response: "Are you a singer or something?"

just better: doing the exact same thing but being the singer of a local band no one has heard of and then throwing a massive fit, complete w/ knocking over tables, spitting, swearing &c.

just worse: whatever james "jy" young is doing right now

kenny: not getting a enough sleep and accidently driving to a job you haven't worked at in yrs

son of rank: the kenny

the Classical wrote:not getting a enough sleep and accidentally driving to a job you haven't worked at in years

Just Better: Absentmindedly dialing a phone number and inadvertantly calling an ex-girlfriend, who then proceeds to engage you in some entertaining, albeit mildly creepy, phone sex.
Just Worse: While sleepwalking, sorting (whether alphabetically or by size) your girlfriend's various feminine hygiene products.

Kenny: Robin Williams speaking sign language with Koko the Gorilla.

son of rank: the kenny

Kenny: Robin Williams speaking sign language with Koko the Gorilla.

j.b. hearing the software guys at work discuss 'overloaded member functions'

j.w. being pecked to death by an owl


three eight-year-old boys lipsynching 'fight for your right to party' and the one famous violent femmes song at their grade school talent show

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