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DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:36 pm
by HOUSTON_M_Archive
"Creationism" poses no real threat to science. It is, however, a threat to religion.
"Intelligent design" seems to represent an attempt to appeal to the intellect more than the emotions and is thus a more insidious threat than "creationism".
Unlike creationists, "IDers" tend to abstain from the incredible "Was Darwin the Devil?" type attacks on evolution.
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:47 pm
by 242sumner
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:54 pm
by Gramsci_Archive
HOUSTON_M wrote:"Creationism" poses no real threat to science. It is, however, a threat to religion.
"Intelligent design" seems to represent an attempt to appeal to the intellect more than the emotions and is thus a more insidious threat than "creationism".
Unlike creationists, "IDers" tend to abstain from the incredible "Was Darwin the Devil?" type attacks on evolution.
All very well and good, but that isn't the problem with ID, the problem with ID is that it is
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:55 pm
by NerblyBear_Archive
I'm a Philosophy major in college, and I have run into a couple of students who are believers in Intelligent Design. Because I'm a friendly guy who generally wants to get along with people and not create meaningless conflicts, I just smile and change the subject whenever they start to tell me their crackbrained theories. However, though it may seem like I'm being really friendly, I've already decided that my relationship with these people will not ever develop into a friendship.
Cheers to you, Gramsci, for mounting a courageous stand against the ridiculous posts of Matthew and the detestable "Aw Shucks, Can't We All Just Get Along?" rhetoric of Galanter. Ultimately, I've learned that you can never change the minds of ignorant people by appealing to reason, but you are to be applauded for trying to pick your way through the ice, anyway.
Let's all be perfectly honest here, and admit that Intelligent Design is a hoax. Believing that humans and dinosaurs were created six thousand years ago is absolutely nonsensical. The people I've met who espouse such theories are creepy to the max; generally, they've been brainwashed by a steady stream of Fundamentalist, home-schooled rhetoric for years, and they have completely lost the ability to think for themselves.
God did not create the world, because he doesn't exist. Human life evolved over millions of years from more basic organisms. Life is not teleological. Intelligent design is a hoax.
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:33 pm
by matthew_Archive
caix wrote:ID came out of a religious think tank. I read about all of this months before it became media hype and George Bush was trying to get it into all of the country's science classes. It was designed to confuse the debate. That's all it is. It's scientific about creationism, but there's no science in it.
This is quite simply not the case. Creation science AKA "creationism" is indeed a psuedoscience, however intelligent design theory is quite scientific. The problem however is that the two get blurred into each other by the media and by those in the scientific community who have an anti religious prejudice. I have personally met both Dr. Behe and Dr. Dembski and have heard them lecture and I can say that both of them are hardcore science geeks; they're not bible thumpers. Anyway, go check out the rather heftly amount of literature that has been written thusfar explicating and explaining ID, as well as irreducible complexity. Google it for starters!
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:41 pm
by caix_Archive
Let's not forget this guy:
He's part of the debate, too. There's
Scienceā¢ in it!
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:02 am
by matthew_Archive
johnnyshape wrote:A guy called Lenny Frank wrote:
This fight is a political fight. It's simply not about science.
Spoken like a true liberal- all is politics, and everything else be damned......even science! Wow.
I'm lost for words.
Certainly the whole evolution vs ID debate is PART of a larger cultural war these days, but the fact of the matter is that ID has a far greater scientific validity than evolutionism does (note that I said evolution-ISM, not evolution in the strictly biological sense). I guess liberals such as this fellow simply disregard this fact in their quest for power and influence.
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:16 am
by eva03_Archive
matthew wrote:johnnyshape wrote:A guy called Lenny Frank wrote:
This fight is a political fight. It's simply not about science.
Spoken like a true liberal- all is politics, and everything else be damned......even science! Wow.
I'm lost for words.
Certainly the whole evolution vs ID debate is PART of a larger cultural war these days, but the fact of the matter is that ID has a far greater scientific validity than evolutionism does (note that I said evolution-ISM, not evolution in the strictly biological sense). I guess liberals such as this fellow simply disregard this fact in their quest for power and influence.
Nothing that you just wrote makes any sense.
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:17 am
by eva03_Archive
caix wrote:Let's not forget this guy:
He's part of the debate, too. There's
Science™ in it!
eventually the world will see the light
DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:05 am
by NerblyBear_Archive
matthew wrote:the fact of the matter is that ID has a far greater scientific validity than evolutionism does (note that I said evolution-ISM, not evolution in the strictly biological sense). I guess liberals such as this fellow simply disregard this fact in their quest for power and influence.
Utter nonsense. Honestly, I can't understand how someone can so persistently strive for ignorance.
Evolution is a theory that is backed by mountains of evidence, such as fossil-dating technology, geological records, genetic data and common sense ideas about the world in which we live. It is
not open to debate any longer. People who deny evolution are no longer taken seriously in scientific communities, Matthew.