Ken-tucky Woman (she shines in her own kind of light): The people who shell out to *purchase and own* 'Girls Gone Wild' videos instead of having the decency and common-sense to just go rent a decent fuck-flick for a night or two, and who have subsequently made a millionaire out of that schmuck.
Just better: The women who live on a plain in Iowa in a circle of ugly, ill-furnished UPVC sheds-on-bricks, randomly & senselessly fucking some hairy guy with a pot-belly because he has a 'different take' on the Bible.
Just worse: Me, and not being able to afford to either rent or purchase a premium hardcore tape, thus leaving me with a ten-minute window every two hours to knock one off to the ten-minute freeview on Cable TV. No pussy. No penetration. Fast cut, zero erotic value. MMMM!
The new kenneth: Wearing a tenderloin jumpsuit and entering a piranha tank.