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son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:51 pm
by stackmatic_Archive
just better = trying to figure out who has more arm hair, Rob Williams or Koko the Gorilla:
just worse - Robin Williams speaking out loud with Koko the Gorilla
Please, kenny:
- Being forced to eat Tom Selleck's shaved-off moustache
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:58 pm
by the Classical_Archive
tmidgett wrote:
three eight-year-old boys lipsynching 'fight for your right to party' and the one famous violent femmes song at their grade school talent show
just better: same three boys accurately lipsynching/air-guitaring "Kerosene"
just worse: a very special episode of
someone please kenny stackmatic's " Being forced to eat Tom Selleck's shaved-off moustache"
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:06 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
someone please kenny stackmatic's " Being forced to eat Tom Selleck's shaved-off moustache"
j.b. washing your hair in kate beckinsale's urine
j.w. being a power forward on an nba team, playing the los angeles lakers, and making any kind of physical contact with rick fox
having twin boys and naming them 'jed buddy' and 'barnaby ebsen'
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:38 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
tmidgett wrote:having twin boys and naming them 'jed buddy' and 'barnaby ebsen'
Just Better: Having twin boys and naming them "Robin Burt" and "The Boy Wonder Ward"
Just Worse: Having twin boys and naming them "Total Sammy " and "Fucking Fraud Sosa"
Kenny: Including a reference on your 2004 résumé to your current participation in the Underground Railroad
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:03 pm
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
Kenny: Including a reference on your 2004 résumé to your current participation in the Underground Railroad
just better: listing, on your resume, one of your qualifications as "Speak Droid, Fluently"
just worse : on your 2004 resume, you have hand-drawn a picture of a unicorn humping a dinosaur
kenny 4 eva : while horribly drunk and riding a mechanical bull, you vomit in a fashion that leaves several spectators (including your date) drenched in acidic semi-digested buffalo wing muck
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:52 am
by steve_Archive
toomanyhelicopters wrote:
kenny 4 eva : while horribly drunk and riding a mechanical bull, you vomit in a fashion that leaves several spectators (including your date) drenched in acidic semi-digested buffalo wing muck
JB: While horribly drunk and riding your date, you vomit buffalo wing onto her otherwise attractive naked figua, attracting spectators.
JW: You are a spectator at a major sporting event where your horribly drunk date vomits buffalo wing on herself while riding a group of fellow spectators like mechanical bulls in front of yet more spectators in the parking lot.
Kenny the keyboard typo: "teh" instead of "the"
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:40 am
by Gibby_Archive
Hi, I'm new. Watch me flame on.
Kenny the keyboard typo: "teh" instead of "the"
Just better: the crazy alterna-internet-spelling of homo, when it becomes 'heaumeau'
Just worse: Reading 'this band sounds like a mixture of Mogwai & Squarepusher', then you see them and they have a computer and no vocalist but sound like, well, Oasis.
The new kenny: being responsible for running Iraqi prisons.
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:12 am
by Arson Smith_Archive
Gibby wrote:The new kenny: being responsible for running Iraqi prisons.
J to tha B: being responsible for running a religious intervention summer camp to "cure" homosexuality.
J to tha W: being part of the janitorial staff at either entity.
Ken-tucky Woman (she shines in her own kind of light): The people who shell out to *purchase and own* 'Girls Gone Wild' videos instead of having the decency and common-sense to just go rent a decent fuck-flick for a night or two, and who have subsequently made a millionaire out of that schmuck.
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:59 am
by Gibby_Archive
Ken-tucky Woman (she shines in her own kind of light): The people who shell out to *purchase and own* 'Girls Gone Wild' videos instead of having the decency and common-sense to just go rent a decent fuck-flick for a night or two, and who have subsequently made a millionaire out of that schmuck.
Just better: The women who live on a plain in Iowa in a circle of ugly, ill-furnished UPVC sheds-on-bricks, randomly & senselessly fucking some hairy guy with a pot-belly because he has a 'different take' on the Bible.
Just worse: Me, and not being able to afford to either rent or purchase a premium hardcore tape, thus leaving me with a ten-minute window every two hours to knock one off to the ten-minute freeview on Cable TV. No pussy. No penetration. Fast cut, zero erotic value. MMMM!
The new kenneth: Wearing a tenderloin jumpsuit and entering a piranha tank.
son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:32 am
by the Classical_Archive
Gibby wrote:The new kenneth: Wearing a tenderloin jumpsuit and entering a piranha tank.
just better: being beaten to death by a hammer wielding tree sloth
just worse: wearing a pornography jumpsuit and entering a riot grrrl tank
kenny: a funny, attractive, intelligent person, who no matter what they do smells fucking horrible, all the time