Re: Little Details from Your Day

Chud Fusk wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:07 am
Frankie99 wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:58 am
Chud Fusk wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:54 am Almost 12 years alcohol-free, and yet my liver still wants to kill me. It's kind of unfair that you can develop cirrhosis without drinking.
Jesus Christ. That seems like a large detail from the day. That’s……brutal. I’m so sorry.
Thanks, I don't have cirrhosis yet but it's the next stage unless I can shrink my liver. Right now it's enlarged and hardening, and becoming more frequently painful. I have been experiencing more pain when I eat, which could be from the liver poking against my intestines or could be some other horror waiting to be discovered. I have a colonoscopy coming up soon, but I think they might have to start looking further up my digestive shitstem because this pain is becoming intolerable.
Oooooof. As someone whose job it is to know what to say in these kinds of situations, all I can say is that I have absolutely no idea what to say. Besides, of course, that this is a terrible situation and that I hope that a way to manage it can be found.
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

motorbike guy wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 7:57 am We went through an ordeal last week with the Dog. Sunday night she threw up all her food and broke out in hives. Wanted to go outside in the back yard all night because her stomach was upset and she didnt want to throw up in the house. She (the dog) was listless, and not eating or drinking. My wife took her to the Vet on Monday. We thought she might have gotten in to something poisonous, or eaten something that got stuck. xrayed, no obstruction found, given antibiotics, anti nasuea and fluids. She perked up a little on Monday, still not really eating. We gave her some boiled chicken breast and rice (our go-to sick dog food) and she ate it but the threw it up. Monday was a tough night. She didn't eat or drink on tuesday. Our normal vet was closed (!??) on tuesday, and I could not stand to watch her just sit there and shiver with hunger and pain. I took her to the emergency vet. They did an ultra sound, and blood work. The blood work was all fine, the ultrasound again showed no blockage, but some irritation. The afternoon or evening, she again felt better (due in part to the medication they gave her at the vet). Wednesday morning we gave her some canned dog food that we had around, which she devoured, but then vomiting and hives.

Turns out she is allergic to chicken. All the food, treats, etc we have ever give her was chicken. But now everytime she had it she was getting hives, a rash and vomiting. 24 hours without chicken and she turned the corner, started eating again, regained her energy, etc. By Saturday she was back. Salmon is the new jam.

so , yeah, your dog can become allergic to something very quickly. And I gather that chicken allergies are not unusual in dogs. Would have been nice for the Vets to ask about that. $1500 wasted. At least the dog is OK.
Glad to hear!

We didn't have the acute symptoms your poor pooch did, but we found our buddy is also allergic, or just sensitive to poultry. Our vet let us know right away this was a common thing. Salmon and Lamb our our new go-tos for food.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

ErickC wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:25 pm
Chud Fusk wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:07 am
Frankie99 wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:58 am

Jesus Christ. That seems like a large detail from the day. That’s……brutal. I’m so sorry.
Thanks, I don't have cirrhosis yet but it's the next stage unless I can shrink my liver. Right now it's enlarged and hardening, and becoming more frequently painful. I have been experiencing more pain when I eat, which could be from the liver poking against my intestines or could be some other horror waiting to be discovered. I have a colonoscopy coming up soon, but I think they might have to start looking further up my digestive shitstem because this pain is becoming intolerable.
Oooooof. As someone whose job it is to know what to say in these kinds of situations, all I can say is that I have absolutely no idea what to say. Besides, of course, that this is a terrible situation and that I hope that a way to manage it can be found.
Fuck man I am so sorry. I really hope that the cause is as minimal as possible. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Jesus, this is top-ten level crap. Grrr..
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Little Details from Your Day

seby wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:30 pmFuck man I am so sorry. I really hope that the cause is as minimal as possible. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Jesus, this is top-ten level crap. Grrr..
Thanks seby, but it's nowhere near top ten. I don't have cancer, I can still get a boner, life is still OK. I just gotta lose weight dramatically to shrink the liver, which means I'll probably need a knee replacement because of an old mosh pit injury that has sidelined me from significant physical activity for years. I gotta get that done soon because my Medicaid coverage is ending soon since I make too much even though I only work 3 days a week so I can be home for my woman who has a mysterious seizure/fainting disorder that almost killed her a couple of months ago. Getting old is fun!

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Chud Fusk wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:18 am
seby wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:30 pmFuck man I am so sorry. I really hope that the cause is as minimal as possible. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Jesus, this is top-ten level crap. Grrr..
Thanks seby, but it's nowhere near top ten. I don't have cancer, I can still get a boner, life is still OK. I just gotta lose weight dramatically to shrink the liver, which means I'll probably need a knee replacement because of an old mosh pit injury that has sidelined me from significant physical activity for years. I gotta get that done soon because my Medicaid coverage is ending soon since I make too much even though I only work 3 days a week so I can be home for my woman who has a mysterious seizure/fainting disorder that almost killed her a couple of months ago. Getting old is fun!
Oh my God! I shall never be able to make sense of the health system in the US, but good on you for being so fearless here. Thinking of you
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Little Details from Your Day

My boss gets covid a couple days ago. I start working from home again for the next week or so, but realize I had an appointment to get my car in. It needs it and I can't reschedule due to some spouse/family commitments. It's our only car. I drop it off, but then they tell me they're now swamped, it'll be at least until 1 - immediately realize I don't want to call a coworker or an uber for a ride, in the case that I have covid and I'm contagious. I start walking. I'm technically in a desert, the shade is cold, but the sun is piercing. It's an odd feeling. I get back to my work, we have a warehouse - there's only one guy in it welding with a mask on. I go to the opposite corner and set up a meagre, but functional corner office. After two hours of shockingly productive work, I find out that not one of the wall receptacles is wired for power. I start walking..
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