Re: Politics

It's a purely self-serving attempt to avoid being primaried, isn't it? She would get absolutely destroyed in a Democratic primary so now she's daring the Democrats to run against her and risk a voter split. Doesn't serve the country or the people of AZ, just a desperate hail mary from somebody who only cares about their own personal interests.

Re: Politics

Anthony Flack wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:56 pm It's a purely self-serving attempt to avoid being primaried, isn't it? She would get absolutely destroyed in a Democratic primary so now she's daring the Democrats to run against her and risk a voter split. Doesn't serve the country or the people of AZ, just a desperate hail mary from somebody who only cares about their own personal interests.

Re: Politics

In fact by ducking the primaries she is essentially manoeuvring to ensure the people who elected her in the first place are shut out of the electoral process. The thing is if she does run I don't see that the Democrats have any choice but to run someone against her. If it comes down to a forced choice between Sinema and a Republican, surely Democrats would be justified in saying fuck Sinema. Fuck this forced choice. AZ Democrats must be desperate to throw a thumbs down poopsie-doo right back at her, she can't win a two way race when the entire Democratic base hates her guts and want to terminate her political career.

So Washington Democrats will have to keep pandering to her for a while yet I suppose, while Arizona Democrats should be preparing the napalm.

Meanwhile her little stint in politics has made her a multi-millionaire so no regrets.

Re: Politics

I know Trump's NFT trading card scheme (which yielded $4.5 mil in one day-who buys this crap? (a fool and his money are soon parted)), is such low hanging fruit that SNL was basically hand delivered a skit which required zero imagination to write, but goddamn! What a magnificent piece of modern Trumpian, tech mogul absurdity. Like when people look in history books these trading cards, Musk's Twitter and the collapse of poopoo coin will be in the same paragraph.

I only worry he's flaming out too spectacularly and too soon to destroy the GOP's 2024 ambitions. At this point they will have kicked him to the curb long before the primary.

Re: Politics

Those Trump cards are great. He picks the most banal shit to stylize himself as.

DeSantis has all the charisma of roadkill, so I don't think they're in much better shape sans Trump.
We're headed for social anarchy when people start pissing on bookstores.

Re: Politics

Anthony Flack wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:38 pm Who buys this crap? Could be MAGAs. Could be Saudi princes. Could be Russia. Who knows? That's the beauty of it.
I imagine it's the same numbskulls who buy gold coins not issued by any legitimate treasury, imagining they'll be bartering bullion and ammo in some post-apocalyptic nightmare where they still have access to bi-weekly dialysis.

Re: Politics

Maybe, but if you WERE a petro oligarch under sanction wanting to quietly funnel some laundered money to your American stoolie, doing it through a bullshit crypto sale ought to work nicely, and everybody will be too busy talking about the silly pictures to look any deeper.

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