zorg wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2025 3:48 pm
So I would say hate the Ruskies all you want, but leading Europe into a arms race is self-defeating, ugly and dumb, and ultimately destined to fail.
I mean, so is invading a country as large, populous, culturally varied, and stubbornly independence-minded as Ukraine a full 23 years after it first broke from Russia's orbit. Never mind doing that after two successful revolts over a stolen election and an ideologically compromised president who was taking Kremlin bribes. Then doubling down and attempting an
even larger invasion after the first invasion had stalled.
Yet here we are...
All it takes is a little hubris.
I'd say Russia is perhaps the only country in Europe proud and stubborn enough to lead the continent into an arms race.
zorg wrote:So I agree that the tendency is for powerful countries to be horrible, untrustworthy and violent, but I don't see the Russians being an outlier here, and maintain that that chance of a Russian invasion of EU territories is at 0%.
But a lot of that has more to do w/Russia bring relatively poor and corrupt and engaging in foolhardy, money-sucking military campaigns. Were Russia prospering more, I think you might see a unique level of brutality, as you did in both czarist and communist times.
In the much more recent past, its approach in Chechnya almost makes Israel's leveling of Gaza look gentle. Though the root causes differ a little, the results are much the same. One echoes the other.
If the stars aligned, I think Russia would jump at the chance to reoccupy bits of its neighbors. It has already done so in no less than three ex-Soviet states (first Moldova, then Georgia, then Ukraine) and has never loosened its grip, even decades after. In that sense, its behavior in the modern world is somewhat unique.