The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:00 pm
yeah, the words really aren't arranged in a way where it says something coherent. even if it's been posted 4 times now, it's still not a lucid sentence.
I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off
(When I watched Loose Change)I kicked myself that the light didn't go off when [9/11] initially happened.
but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware
Rick Reuben wrote:What are you waiting for? Noam Chomsky? Jesus?
Rick Reuben wrote:You topped yourself again. Ventura says something that makes perfect sense, and Scott demands that I ignore it, because he dislikes the source. Is his skepticism grounded in reality? That's the only question you need to ask yourself. Instead, like a typical sheep, you play 'attack the messenger'. Congratulations, Scott- you think Ventura might be onto something, but you'd rather not know what he thinks. What are you waiting for? Noam Chomsky? Jesus? If Jesus came down and said 9/11 was an inside job, would you suddenly develop the intestinal fortitude to stand up on this and be counted?scott wrote:I think the exact same thing I've thought for years. It seems fishy, it could well have been demolished, but I really don't and likely won't ever know the reality of it.
The fact that you give a shit about anything Jesse Ventura says...
You have no balls for any 9/11 Truth. You're hiding under the covers, hoping it blows over, and hoping you're never forced to come down one way or the other on it. Total fence sitter. The hilarious thing is that you're patting yourself on the back for your cowardice.
Scott: "I refused to speak out about a mass murder possibly pinned on the wrong people, but I had a good reason to zip my mouth: a guy on a message board talked about it, and I disliked him! Looks like all responsibility to speak out is off my shoulders. What a relief."
You'd rather shut up about the biggest crime of our generation than risk having your skepticism overlap with mine on the goddamn EAF forum. Way to set your priorities. Complete paralysis in the face of peer pressure. How embarrassing for you. As it turns out, I completely control your opinion on 9/11! Any public statement you make on it is filtered through this question: "Can I agree with Reuben and still be in the EA clique?" How completely selfish of you to value your status on a internet forum above your responsibility as a citizen.scott wrote:But without proof, it's useless.
Wrong. Public opinion wins this case. All it takes is for the public to force a new investigation. Do you have the guts to call for a new investigation, and reject the existing sham?
Try it. You might be able to post that and not be ostracized by your internet friends. You've built substantial capital here. I think you can risk it.Are you insane? 9/11 Truth has gone from about 1% of the country to over half of the country seeing the official story as horseshit. If no 'news' prompted that, how did it happen? There's been a constant drumbeat of news poking hole after hole in the official story. But you really are waiting to see it all tied together in one tidy package on 60 Minutes, aren't you? Standing on the sidelines until then? God, you're an embarrassment.scott wrote:There's no news yet.
.wikipedia, re: Jesse Ventura's time as governor of MN wrote:Ventura's main campaign promise was a tax refund to Minnesota residents. The state was running a budget surplus at the time, and Ventura believed that the money should be given back to the public. In political debates, he often admitted that he had not formed an opinion on certain policy questions. Sharing many views with libertarians, Ventura frequently described himself as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal."
Rick Reuben wrote:You will scrounge for any reason to stay on the sidelines and not stand up for the victims of this fraud.
Rick Reuben wrote:Wow. Okay, I'm bored enough to break it down for you.
Rick Reuben wrote:I predict that it will take Jesus to move you, but perhaps Albini can do it for you.
RR:"Hey, Scott- what do you think about WTC7?"
S:"Looks fishy."
RR:"Jesse Ventura just agreed with you."
S:"He agreed with me?? That's terrible. Let's not talk about WTC7. Let's talk about Ventura."
RR:"He agrees with you."
S:"Let's talk about Ventura. Or his sentence. I disliked his sentence. "
RR: "What does his sentence have to do with that building that was not hit by a plane or burned falling down in 7 seconds?"
S:"Let's talk about Ventura."
RR:"What about 9/11?"
S:"Nope. Ventura. Sorry Rick- I came to your 9/11 thread to talk about Jesse Ventura. Indulge me."
RR: "Aren't you the same jerk who's always demanding that I never refer to 9/11 anywhere on the forum except in this thread?"
S:" Yes, but that rule doesn't apply to me. I get to come to the 9/11 thread to change the topic to parts of Ventura's life that have nothing to do with 9/11."
You didn't bump the thread. I did. You just kneejerk attacked the messenger.scott wrote:Gee Rick, you're right, sorry I bumped the thread today .
scott wrote:Too bad that your demeanor and rationality do more to hurt "the cause" then help it.
"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware," said Ventura, adding that watching Loose Change at the insistence of his son was part of the catalyst for his wake up call.
"When I finally did watch it I went through every emotion you could imagine, from laughing, crying, getting sick to my stomach, to the whole emotional thing," said the former Governor.
"To me questions haven't been answered and are not being answered about 9/11," said Ventura, before highlighting the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story tall skyscraper that was not hit by a plane but collapsed in its own footprint in the late afternoon of September 11.
"Two planes struck two buildings....but how is it that a third building fell 5 hours later?" asked Ventura, "How could this building just implode into its own footprint 5 hours later - that's my first question - the 9/11 Commission didn't even devote one page to that in their big volume of investigation," added the former Governor.
Rick Reuben wrote:
.ivan wrote:still no dice bob. if that many people were involved, somebody on the inside. would have spoken by now.