galanter wrote:NerblyBear wrote:galanter wrote:
Yeah, I said all that. But what does that have to do with "detestable "Aw Shucks, Can't We All Just Get Along?" rhetoric"?
You seem to be incapable of getting off the fence here and making a decision one way or another. You say that you accept evolution and that ID is a hoax, yet you can't keep from making apologies left and right to the religious community.
I know that it's "rude" to tell religious people that they're deluded and ignorant. But it's inescapable. We can't be polite all the time.
And of course they could say you are deluded and ignorant in return. What has been accomplished?
I'm not making apologies to or for "the religious community." I'm questioning the ability of finite little blobs of protoplasm (humans) to have no doubt,
no doubt whatsoever, that something like God doesn't exist. The intellectually honest thing to say is "I don't know."
(And yes, the question of God is different than any other question of the form "does x exist"." God is not a thing among other things. God is, in a sense, being itself not some particular thing that is here today and gone tomorrow. When we ask "does God exist" we are asking a question about the metaphysical nature of reality...that is quite different than asking "does a green dragon exist" or some such.)
(And I didn't say ID is a hoax. I think it's a tactical pretext for some. I think it's a sincere belief for others. But my biggest complaint about it is that it purports to be science, but it hasn't been scientifically established at all.)
I don't say, "I don't have any doubt whatsoever about God's nonexistence." He may very well exist.
But what's at issue here is the fraud perpetrated by the religious community when they pass off nonsense as science. I have seen this with certain ID'ers that I've talked to. They will say and think absolutely anything one can say and think in order to prove that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago. For them, that presupposition is the necessary hook on which everything else depends.
For instance, this one guy I know points to gaps in the geological record as proof that evolution is suspect. Fine, I can accept a suspicion. But he thinks this suspicion is enough to give him "carte blanche" for his Biblical beliefs.This scanty evidence is enough for him to throw out theories of evolution wholesale, without even understanding the science behind it.
And that's what it all boils down to, it seems to me. "Carte blanche" for having faith. Because, without faith, how could we talk to our families? What would all of our friends from church say? They'd probably call us sinners and stop hanging out with us. We would be lost at sea, adrift, without anything to anchor us down, paralyzed by fear. We can't let that happen.
This is a serious conflict, and I can understand why people would never want to open up this can of worms. For a Christian who has been home-schooled by loving parents, has gone to church every Sunday for every week of his life, has formed all of his social ties around the idea of faith, the loss of this faith would represent the loss of an entire way of living. It would be like moving to another country where the people spoke a language you didn't understand.
To really understand why people like me are so horrified and angry at fundamentalist Christians, you have to see certain things. You have to see obviously gay young men doing everything in their power to appear straight to their friends and family. You have to see young men and women forced to go through a process of "courting" for marriage, where the issue of sex is not even raised because it's too dangerous to do so. You have to see how Christianity can blind and silence people to realize why people such as me are not falling all over themselves to be "polite" and "respectful" of religious beliefs.
The guy I mentioned above also claims that Adam and Eve lived with dinosaurs. I mean, that is just crazy. How could fully developed humans live with dinosaurs? We know that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, because we now have technology which can help us prove it.
This is an intelligent, seemingly reasonable guy who gets A's in all of his philosophy classes. He can tell you all about hermeneutics, Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle. And he believes that humans lived with dinosaurs 6,000 years ago. One can only imagine the fantasies that less-intelligent people are coming up with.
I'm sorry if I came across as a dick, but it's because I feel strongly that these people should be shocked into a recognition of their own intellectual dishonesty. Too many people are afraid of offending people's religious feelings, and too few are willing to be bluntly honest and tell them how ridiculous their theories are.
I don't think Christians are crazy or stupid. I do realize the value of religion, and the beauty of it. But the truth is the truth. Your evasion of the issue of evolution--basically, claiming that it can have no effect on faith in a Creator--is an easy way of keeping these people in a position to keep from looking at scientific evidence.
For me, the belief in God is impossible precisely because of evolution. I know many people who have come to the same conclusion. I'm not saying that it's not still possible that God exists. What I am saying is that is
overwhelmingly likely that at least one version of Him (the Biblical one) is false, based on the fact that this Book claims that He created the world in seven days. That's just not true. Hence, Christianity is impossible for people who accept the evolution hypothesis. Strictly impossible.