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Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:25 pm
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
that damned fly wrote:hey, timdgett, this thread reminds me of this song.

you should write your own version.
Why would you do that to Tim?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:20 pm
by eephour_Archive
How did the artwork for "Lifestyle" come about? I absolutely adore it.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:53 pm
by Johnny C_Archive
Nina ex's gigantic family is from Saskatchewan. Three or four of them have sold their farms in the past few years, which is sad because it's all they have ever known.
These days, the highlight of the week is when they gather the family around the television on Sunday to watch those preachers yell at them through the warm glow of the electric box.

Basically we are Canadian Georgia.

It's fascinating to me how poor the actual farming industry is doing in Saskatchewan. You'd think with the giant food crisis and all, business would be booming, but there are all sorts of insurmountable obstacles facing your average Saskatchewan farmer. Bizarre.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:15 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
Thanks for the free show last night. It was very good. Nice to chat with you briefly as well. I was a bit drunk.

Thank you, Mr. King.

You didn't seem drunk to me. Except when you fell over on leaving.

Question! Before the aforementioned rock show, I told a friend that I was heading out to see "The Bottomless Pit". I now realize that I often say "The Bottomless Pit" rather than just "Bottomless Pit". How do you feel about this? Is it a 60s thing? Examples: The Pink Floyd, The Jefferson Airplane.

Andy says "The Bottomless Pit." At first, it irritated me, but over time I find myself doing it occasionally, so I must be OK with it.

A 60s thing....Yeah. Sure, yeah, I like it better now. The Pink Floyd is a better band name than Pink Floyd, and likewise for The Jefferson Airplane.
Please set up a hotline in the future that I can call before bad decisions are made on my part.

No, I can only offer some limited opinion on things via this message board.

Also, what are the chances of you dudes ever playing a show even remotely near Saskatchewan? In fact, did you ever play Saskatchewan at all? Did five people show up? I bet five people showed up.

It seems unlikely. Silkworm did a very enjoyable Western Canada tour w/Shellac, but we only got as far over as Winnipeg and Edmonton.

hey, timdgett, this thread reminds me of this song.

you should write your own version.

I think you'd have to be unusually interested in yourself and expounding upon same to write a song about yourself, unprodded.

I'm not that interested in myself.

I am having a hard time believing this thread has not died yet, but people seem to be enjoying it. I'm enjoying it.

How did the artwork for "Lifestyle" come about? I absolutely adore it.

I sent the music for the record to Hiroshi Kimura and told him the record was called Lifestyle. He did the rest.

He is tuned into things, so any outside direction was unnecessary.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:52 am
by noise&light
tmidgett wrote:
Question! Before the aforementioned rock show, I told a friend that I was heading out to see "The Bottomless Pit". I now realize that I often say "The Bottomless Pit" rather than just "Bottomless Pit". How do you feel about this? Is it a 60s thing? Examples: The Pink Floyd, The Jefferson Airplane.

Andy says "The Bottomless Pit." At first, it irritated me, but over time I find myself doing it occasionally, so I must be OK with it.

A 60s thing....Yeah. Sure, yeah, I like it better now. The Pink Floyd is a better band name than Pink Floyd, and likewise for The Jefferson Airplane.

Last night I actually heard someone say "The Pit" and was momentarily weirded out. It reminded me of the time a friend called Black Flag "The Flag". As in, "hey, are you gonna go see The Flag tonight?"

What is the emoticon for getting shivers down one's spine?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:15 am
by Superking_Archive
tmidgett wrote:You didn't seem drunk to me. Except when you fell over on leaving.

I like to call that move "The Dick VanDyke". Works better with an ottoman, but sometimes I have to improvise.

Actually, I was just intimidated by Brian's presence. He can be quite intimidating...

Also: The Buffalo Springfield. That's good.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:44 am
by Lemuel Gulliver_Archive
Hi Tim! Thanks for fielding all these.

I was wondering if you've heard the version of "Sister Ray" that was on the VU Gymnasium thread. Sterling Morrison's really tearing it up, isn't he? I really never hear him mentioned on these pages. Why is that?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:22 am
by Johnny C_Archive
tmidgett wrote:
Please set up a hotline in the future that I can call before bad decisions are made on my part.

No, I can only offer some limited opinion on things via this message board.

Also, what are the chances of you dudes ever playing a show even remotely near Saskatchewan?

It seems unlikely.

You're just full of disappointments, aren't you.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:47 am
by tommydski_Archive
I'm not Tim but fuck you, mang.

You have a silly mustache.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:53 pm
by llllllllllllllllllllllll_Archive

You've mentioned that you used to own an Ovation Magnum. Did you ever record with it? Also, how do you feel about Thomas Pynchon? I've just finished reading V., and I feel like I need to read it again. I felt the same way about Gravity's Rainbow, but I enjoyed that one a lot more.