Earwicker wrote:This is a distortion of what I said actually.
I said I object to my tax paying for long term (2 years plus) dole claimants (along with a lot of other things I object to it paying for).
You said a bunch of other stuff too. You said anyone on benefit for more than two years was more than likely committing benefit fraud and accused long-term claimants of "wanting to live off everyone else".
The difference of opinion in that thread is that you were seeing bad people where most people were seeing people in bad situations.
You accused everyone who argued with you as wanting to "pay the idle for continuing to be idle".
Helping people get into debt with credit cards or loans comes into my 'don't do' bracket.
I don't do this. I don't work for a company that does this. Maybe we do personal loan accounts sometimes, but infrequently. I don't think personal loans are unethical at all, I think they're too expensive but eventually maybe I'll have more of a say in what the rates should be. I owe a lot of great things in my life to loans, because I was sensible.
I dislike the credit industry. But I don't think the company I work for is as unethical as the property industry. I moved from property to banking. I felt terrible working in property.
Although I was offered a really good job working for a developer last year and I turned it down. I felt like a chump for a few months, but I'm back in full time education now and it feels good.
Didn't say that. See above.
If you didn't mean what I thought you meant, I apologise. But you used very loaded language, you must admit.
Do I think I should give them the change in my pocket? Personally, no.
Well, this is a thing I plain don't understand.
I know it's hard to get the exact job you want but I do no think it is hard to get a job at the moment generally. And I don't see that that job has to be for some large scale perpetuator of society's ills. Pretty much anyone but the disabled can get a job within 2 years that would not be adding to the shitstorm.
Do you really think that those with children/debt/desire to better themselves should wait two years to find the most socially responsible job that they can?
You missed me having a go about soldiers then?
Did you, or are you being sarcastic? Hate the game, not the playas.
Why do you think an exception should be made for contractors who build torture chambers?
I didn't say that. I meant to imply that "Bring the Troops Home" is a sentiment for the good of the troops, and that goes for the people who work for the troops as much as the troops themselves.
Maybe I would think less of someone for polishing leg irons in Gitmo.