Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:56 am
brephophagist wrote:Based on Gretchen Felker-Martin's recommendation, I checked out Red Rooms, a Canadian thriller about two women drawn to a series of murders-for-internet-snuff and the related trial. It was extremely disturbing in a "social mores" way but also thought-provoking - the ending is somehow both ambiguous and resolved. Recommended.
Movie of the year.Ace K wrote: Red Rooms (2023): A masterpiece of tension let down by one of the most wasted, unfulfilling endings I've seen in a while. Like this is a movie that made a person silently playing internet poker into a scene of extraordinary tension, and then the movie ends with a soft extended fart. What the hell. Stick the landing people.
That courtroom scene is singlehandedly one of the most perverse, disturbed, and wicked sequences ever put to film. So glad I went into the movie completely blind as it made the experience for me just as harrowing as it would for any character. However you decide to resolve it Kelley-Anne's intentions were always selfish and appalling. This movie is a weapon.