There are plenty 6550A tubes on ebay...but yeah they are $$$$.biscuitdough wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:12 am It doesn’t seem like there will ever be power tubes for that again, but maybe it could be adapted to use a different power transformer and get the voltages down to what a current production 6550 can tolerate. Probably have to change the dropping resistors so the preamp gets the right voltages. Definitely looks like a challenge.
Instead of choking it back, could a Fender 400 PS be modded to take a higher-power tube like a KT88 without a huge mod?
I read up on this amp a few times years ago and apparently it is an ODD DUCK build-wise. Most information I have ever read about this amp is at this Heaven's Gate-style site:
The original author (also an odd duck) lays out a case after having worked w/ Ed Jahns how "oh this is a special amp and only certain special people should work on this" and how special the 6550A tubes are...and then also has a couple photos up of the chassis with power tubes in them that are CERTAINLY not GE 6550A...
So IDK what to think here. It's a super interesting amp though for sure.