Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist.

That sounds eerily familiar...I remember hearing that a lot around summertime/fall 2000.

All the more reason to maintain constant vigilance, cuz Barack, he is a bullshit artist and don't forget it. (check out his lame rationalization for backing out of his agreement to use only public funding for his campaign.)
Its just a sign of more BS to come.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

caix wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot to say this since I opened this thread and now Obama is the democratic nominee:

I think he's come a long way. And, I have to say, convinced me that he is the best candidate the democratic party could have put forward, though I would still love to see a Gore/Edwards ticket (ah, too late!). When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist, which I think is extremely refreshing in 2008. Also, he puts up a good fight against the other side, which is also extremely refreshing in 2008. He's got some smart policies, the one's I've read about.

He will never be perfect, he will never be exactly what we all wish for, on any side of the political spectrum. He's a politician, let's not forget that. But he's not a complete, utter failure and embarrassment like our current president.

the dude is a master orator, i'll give him that. & a master politician. & he's warding off bullshit republican machine/faux news attacks relatively well.

but he is NOT a fighter. he can't beat a lameduck president with a 25% approval rating on issues such as the dismantling of the bill of rights? fighter? fuck that contention in the goddamned eye. name me one thing that he has fought & beat the president on with any sincerity.

i gotta say i agree with rikki clox on this one alot. he's a feel good candidate, a feel real real good candidate. & his speeches make me feel unbelievably good too. but i admit to myself that it has a whole hell of alot more to do with what he symbolizes than his actual actions (discounting his rhetorical actions).

tell me why he's better than chris dodd or dennis kucinich or whowever, without invoking "electability."

he's come a long way. we haven't.

(edited for typo)
Last edited by jimmy spako_Archive on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Dr. O' Nothing wrote:
When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist.

That sounds eerily familiar...I remember hearing that a lot around summertime/fall 2000.

All the more reason to maintain constant vigilance, cuz Barack, he is a bullshit artist and don't forget it. (check out his lame rationalization for backing out of his agreement to use only public funding for his campaign.)
Its just a sign of more BS to come.

You heard that? Man, all I remember from the 2000 campaign is not believing a word George W. Bush said because he didn't sound like he actually understood what he was saying.

The campaign finance promise he made... I can't think of why a politician running on small donations from actual American citizens is a bad thing. The outrage from breaking his promise is short-sighted and ridiculous.
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

jimmy spako wrote:
caix wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot to say this since I opened this thread and now Obama is the democratic nominee:

I think he's come a long way. And, I have to say, convinced me that he is the best candidate the democratic party could have put forward, though I would still love to see a Gore/Edwards ticket (ah, too late!). When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist, which I think is extremely refreshing in 2008. Also, he puts up a good fight against the other side, which is also extremely refreshing in 2008. He's got some smart policies, the one's I've read about.

He will never be perfect, he will never be exactly what we all wish for, on any side of the political spectrum. He's a politician, let's not forget that. But he's not a complete, utter failure and embarrassment like our current president.

the dude is a master orator, i'll give him that. & a master politician. & he's warding off bullshit republican machine/faux news attacks relatively well.

but he is NOT a fighter. he can't beat a lameduck president with a 25% approval rating on issues such as the dismantling of the bill of rights? fighter? fuck that contention in the goddamned eye. name me one thing that he has fought & beat the president on with any sincerity.

i gotta say i agree with rikki clox on this one alot. he's a feel good candidate, a feel real real good candidate. & his speeches make me feel unbelievably good too. but i admit to myself that it has a whole hell of alot more to do with what he symbolizes than his actual actions (discounting his rhetorical actions).

tell me why he's better than chris dodd or dennis kucinich or however, without invoking "electability."

he's come a long way. we haven't.

Well, we can argue about who would be the best candidate. But let's be realistic here. None of the candidates we'd want to be president are even on the ballot. And besides, even if they were, we'd be arguing why they're not good enough.

Why he is or isn't better than Chris Dodd is unfortunately irrelevant.
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

caix wrote:
Dr. O' Nothing wrote:
When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist.

That sounds eerily familiar...I remember hearing that a lot around summertime/fall 2000.

All the more reason to maintain constant vigilance, cuz Barack, he is a bullshit artist and don't forget it. (check out his lame rationalization for backing out of his agreement to use only public funding for his campaign.)
Its just a sign of more BS to come.

You heard that? Man, all I remember from the 2000 campaign is not believing a word George W. Bush said because he didn't sound like he actually understood what he was saying.

The campaign finance promise he made... I can't think of why a politician running on small donations from actual American citizens is a bad thing. The outrage from breaking his promise is short-sighted and ridiculous.

Don't you remember the whole "Bush doesn't sound like most politicians...he's sounds like me, joe six-pack" malarky? I didn't hear it personally, but he had that image working for him, no doubt.

Re: funding
I wouldn't qualify it as 'outrage' but the problem is that Barack is trying to portray himself as holier than thou, while he's just as two-faced as anyone else trying to get elected. I don't have a problem with his decision as much as his hypocrisy.
Last edited by Dr O Nothing_Archive on Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

caix wrote:
jimmy spako wrote:
caix wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot to say this since I opened this thread and now Obama is the democratic nominee:

I think he's come a long way. And, I have to say, convinced me that he is the best candidate the democratic party could have put forward, though I would still love to see a Gore/Edwards ticket (ah, too late!). When he talks, he doesn't sound like a bullshit artist, which I think is extremely refreshing in 2008. Also, he puts up a good fight against the other side, which is also extremely refreshing in 2008. He's got some smart policies, the one's I've read about.

He will never be perfect, he will never be exactly what we all wish for, on any side of the political spectrum. He's a politician, let's not forget that. But he's not a complete, utter failure and embarrassment like our current president.

the dude is a master orator, i'll give him that. & a master politician. & he's warding off bullshit republican machine/faux news attacks relatively well.

but he is NOT a fighter. he can't beat a lameduck president with a 25% approval rating on issues such as the dismantling of the bill of rights? fighter? fuck that contention in the goddamned eye. name me one thing that he has fought & beat the president on with any sincerity.

i gotta say i agree with rikki clox on this one alot. he's a feel good candidate, a feel real real good candidate. & his speeches make me feel unbelievably good too. but i admit to myself that it has a whole hell of alot more to do with what he symbolizes than his actual actions (discounting his rhetorical actions).

tell me why he's better than chris dodd or dennis kucinich or however, without invoking "electability."

he's come a long way. we haven't.

Well, we can argue about who would be the best candidate. But let's be realistic here. None of the candidates we'd want to be president are even on the ballot. And besides, even if they were, we'd be arguing why they're not good enough.

Why he is or isn't better than Chris Dodd is unfortunately irrelevant.

yeah, sure is. funny how that works.

nothing personal, man, just gets my dander up á la "don't piss down my back & tell me that it's rainin'."

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

While I'm glad Obama is the Democratic nominee and hope that he wins in November, I fear the worst for our country down the road. We are a crumbling democracy with leaders who won't face reality. You'd think, after being attacked by terrorist organizations ripping down two gigantic buildings in our largest city that we would have learned something.

We learned nothing. And to top it off, we had the worst possible leaders at the helm to respond to it, accelerating our downfall.

Obama represents a possibility. Shit, I want to believe something good is out there. I want to see a leader recognize our problems. I can't see how McCain is going to change direction when he's too much of a coward to admit that even the Iraq war was wrong.
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:Did you ever think to stop for a second that the 'downfall' of American liberty, integrity, sovereignty, and economic independence is exactly what they were hoping to accomplish with 9/11.

Jeez Rick... when will you ever shut the fuck up?

Yes, I actually did stop to think about the "downfall." I used one example. I don't think I need 79 pages to bloviate about the obvious.
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

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