Evolution Or Intelligent Design

God said to Abraham...
Total votes: 5 (4%)
It's evolution, baby!
Total votes: 106 (83%)
Two sides of the same coin
Total votes: 16 (13%)
Total votes: 127

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

yut wrote:
Antero wrote:I mean, seriously, that's why cheetahs are doomed to extinction - because their gene pool is more like a gene puddle, thanks to some long-ago disease.

So now they just get fucked-up-er.


Mutations caused by inbreeding aren't mutations so much as they are the emergence of awful recessive traits. That's why royal families have hemophillia.

Well, that and they are hunted...

This is short sighted though... In 20 generations, you will have Cheetas with completely different genotypes. In the short run, of a few generations, inbreeding is bad. I am not a proponent of inbreeding, but simply stating the fact that it is a mechanism to eventually force genetic diversity from a limited gene pool.
Again, that is not what inbreeding does. As a matter of fact, it is the exact fucking opposite of what inbreeding does.

Inbreeding reduces genetic diversity, because (duh) you have less genes to work with. The mutations caused by inbreeding are not the expression of new genotypes, but rather the expression of negative traits from recessive genes. The reason they stack up so quickly in inbred populations is because they are more likely to match up and, as a result, less likely to go unexpressed.

In 20 generations, we will not have any cheetahs, genotype regardless. Constant inbreeding over many generations has rendered them highly vulnerable to disease and created a high infant mortality rate, so they're kinda fucked. This is, in general, a significant hazard with endangered species, as they reach a point where the total gene pool is small enough that inbreeding, and the problems that follow, will drive them to extinction even if we can increase their numbers.

Do your research.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Antero wrote:
matthew wrote:It may sound trite and tired, Steve, but the answer to how God relates to man is the person of Christ. It's as simple and intellectual as that.
That IS trite, because all you've done is choose Door Number 1, which in turn demands you show evidence, which you choose not to do because of its shocking lack. You have to offer us non-shitty evidence for:
1) The historical existence of the person identified as Jesus (I'll let you pass on that one 'cause it's pretty firmly established)
2) His divinity (specifically divinity! This one is impossible, so skip to number 3)
3) His miraculous powers, while simultaneously disproving or otherwise accounting for every single other magicmaker, mystic, and miracle man from every single other culture.

Also, you'd have to explain the Old Testament God's physical interactions with the world, or abandon those to the realm of myth where they rightly belong.

Also, how can you say anything is evil or bad or not good or just simply distasteful when you deny the existence of an unshakable moral foundation?
He could just not like it. Some people obviously think oppressive theocracy is awesome; the equal validity of their opinion in the cosmic sense still lets us tell them to go fuck themselves.

How then can you possibly defend sanity if you have no firm moral ground to stand on?
A true moral stance can only be taken by an individual without desire for heavenly reward, nor fear of divine retribution in this world or the afterlife. It is, in fact, the absence of Divine Law that makes true moral reasoning possible.

I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest (nay, snarl) that my moral ground is a hundred times as firm as anyone who acts (or doesn't act) out of fear of sin.

I would suggest, further, that his defense of sanity is more along the lines of an argument against self-delusion, which would remain sound even if Steve ate babies.

As long as he, you know, ate them because he liked eating babies.

And not because god told him.

No comment.

DEBATE: Evolution VS Intelligent Design

Minutes ago I received the following email from a German-exchange student in an English 111 (communications) course I teach.

Hello Andrew,
I want to write my research essay on evolution versus creation. I want to give scientific arguments for creation and against evolution, which I found in books and the internet. Is that an appropriate topic for this essay?
Thank you for your help!

I have to figure out what to say to her, other than, "yes, since you're a stupid Lutheran, it is totally appropriate." I imagine I will refer her to my handout on reliable, scholarly sources, and then I will look at my calender to remind myself when this semester ends.

I will not point out the misplaced modifier in her email. She's from Germany and she writes better than most of her Canadian-born classmates.

What would Jesus do?

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