Rick Reuben wrote:You left out an explanation for how kerosense weakens steel to the point that the two buildings' caps and all the floors beneath them exploded into chopsticks and aerosolized concrete, leaving not stacks of pancaked floors ( as you would expect from a gravity collapse ) but a three story pile of rubble and steel and dust ejected laterally for blocks.Heeby Jeeby wrote:WTC 1 & 2. Hit by planes, flown by Islamist terrorists..
The planes did that?
You haven't really looked at any of this.
Molten metal pouring out of the side of WTC1. Impossible for a jet fuel fire to cause that.
Shanksville. The 'crash site' of a passenger jet?
About the biggest piece of debris at the Pentagon:
Alright we're on to something here. No insults or nothing.
I got a couple of genuine questions then that I would like answered.
With regards WTC1 and WTC2 what do you believe was the chain of events? Planes flown in as a ruse, while the real damage was done by explosives planted in the building?
The 'Flight 93 crash' site at Shanksville...whats your take on that? Plane disintegrated after missile strike or wasn't a plane at all?
The Pentagon...what hit that? If you think it was a missile why would they do that? If they had the ability to remotely fly large planes in to buildings why risk using a missile instead?