son of rank: the kenny

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Kenny: A person who regulates automobile temperature in the summer by using a cycle of maximum cool/off/maximum cool/off rather than choosing a mid-range setting.

JB : a person who regulates summertime auto temperature by running the AC on full, and opening the windows or sunroof as appropriate.

JW : a person who will absolutely not use AC in the summer for environmental concerns. even when it's 95 degrees and humid as shit.

kenny loggins:

retro taken to the extreme. examples being the renaissance fair, or the civil war re-enactment.

son of rank: the kenny

Sleeping in the band van, on top of the bass cabinet.

j.b. taking this occasion to make friends with your 'patrol sock'

j.w. the sensation of waking up in your band's van as it is being rolled down the street by a tow truck


ankle socks on a guy, but they don't have the little ball on the back. in fact, you can barely tell he's wearing any socks. and they're normal, white athletic socks. however, he is not wearing them with shorts. he is wearing them with slacks. not just pants, but slacks. and he's slowly unwrapping the cellophane on one of those red and white peppermint candies, just after putting on some hemp-based hand lotion. it appears he is going to consume this peppermint.

son of rank: the kenny

tmidgett wrote:kenny?

ankle socks on a guy, but they don't have the little ball on the back. in fact, you can barely tell he's wearing any socks. and they're normal, white athletic socks. however, he is not wearing them with shorts. he is wearing them with slacks. not just pants, but slacks. and he's slowly unwrapping the cellophane on one of those red and white peppermint candies, just after putting on some hemp-based hand lotion. it appears he is going to consume this peppermint.

jb: playing a show during which drunken rednecks heckle you between every song. you make homosexual advances toward said rednecks every time they yell "play some music!", "play some stevie ray!" or "y'all need to go back to music school!", which nearly incites them to physical violence. they don't ever get up the nerve to attack you, you have a grand time mocking them, and no-one seems to care too much that your set could have been better. salut, rednecks!

jw: someone who insists on using an office microwave to cook a big heap of frozen french fries with cheese on them. said person then douses the resulting slop with a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise and proceeds to actually consume it.

kenny: that "new misfits" album that contains covers of '50s songs.

son of rank: the kenny

placeholder wrote:kenny: that "new misfits" album that contains covers of '50s songs.

JB: That Guns N' Roses EP covering old punk songs. (And I mean just better, as in only slightly better.)

JW: The rest of Glenn Danzig's output (not including his recent turn as an ass-kickee in that recent fight that's all over the Internet. That rocks.)

Ken you dig it:
Having a bandmate too goddamned ignorant to know that you shouldn't shove the box containing yr master tapes in the back of a combo amp. You know, the kind of combo amp with a speaker in it? A speaker with a big goddamned magnet?

son of rank: the kenny

Chris G wrote:Ken you dig it:
Having a bandmate too goddamned ignorant to know that you shouldn't shove the box containing yr master tapes in the back of a combo amp. You know, the kind of combo amp with a speaker in it? A speaker with a big goddamned magnet?

jb: Having a bandmate who forgot where he parked the van after he ran off (for close to an hour) to get some sick quick strange with a financially-strapped lady of the night right after you played a strong yet surprisingly weird show in Rochester NY in the middle of f-ing winter and the "venue" "manager" has already suggested that your gear and persons are not welcome in the "venue" any more, and did I mention it's winter?

jw: having a drummer who drove separately to an out-of-town show, and forgot to bring a drumset.

Brother, Ken ya spare a dime?:

The twisted logic and reasoning that must occur just prior to someone greenlighting the concept of MIKE DITKA for US SENATE.

son of rank: the kenny

Mr. Chimp wrote:The twisted logic and reasoning that must occur just prior to someone greenlighting the concept of MIKE DITKA for US SENATE.

Just Better: The twisted logic and reasoning that must occur just prior to someone greenlighting the concept of "National Lampoon's Rwandan Vacation".
Just Worse: The twisted logic and reasoning that must occur just prior to someone greenlighting the simultaneous detonation of the entire global stockpile of nuclear warheads.

Kenny: The fact that pretty much every girl's college dorm room has a poster of that stupid Rafael painting with those two cherubs on it. You know, that one stupid painting with those two cherubs.

son of rank: the kenny

Kenny: The fact that pretty much every girl's college dorm room has a poster of that stupid Rafael painting with those two cherubs on it. You know, that one stupid painting with those two cherubs.

JB: The Onion article about the rare Nagel print stolen from a hair salon in L.A.

JW: "Cathy" wallpaper.

Now Kenny: Heather Thomas

son of rank: the kenny

Angus Jung wrote:Now Kenny: Heather Thomas

Sheeeeit. Easy one, Holmes.

JB: Heather Hunter
JW: Heather Locklear

Ken Jennings this:

Farting in an empty elevator at work, only to have the car stop at the next floor. A hot, hot young lady walks in. Also, your fart smells horrible.

(Assume for the purposes of the above Kenny that you are a male, and heterosexual. If not, go ahead and have the elevator companion be of whatever gender/persuasion gets your 'nads all tingly.)

son of rank: the kenny

Chris G wrote:Farting in an empty elevator at work, only to have the car stop at the next floor. A hot, hot young lady walks in. Also, your fart smells horrible.

JB: Said hottie is one of those bizarre souls that is, unbelievably, "turned on" by such things, and she propositions you on the spot. You, subsisting on a diet that leans heavily toward Mexican, beer, and legumes, are in for the hottest tryst of your life with this strangely kinky gal.

JW: You exit the car to find that you have unwittingly left a "deposit". The hottie glances at you with a revolted look and trots haughtily off.

Chen KENichi:

The feeling derived from a newly acquired, and fully broken in, set of high-quality loudspeakers.

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