Adam CR wrote:Absolute cock.
The whole 'complex music' thing is nonsense perpetuated by people who clearly don't know anything about the technical side of music; yes they sometimes play in odd time signatures, but it's consistently clear that this is done in an entirely contrived way rather than because the melodic/harmonic content dictates/demands it.
They sound like a band who count as they play.
Purest COCK.
About Tool I do not care. Too loud and pretentious for my taste, but I do remember some moments of high school stoner bliss listening to Opiate and Undertow.
I would like you, however, to please explain how "melodic/harmonic contents" can "dictates/demands" that they be in an odd time signature? I've been writing music for many years and I have never had a melody or harmony "demand" that it be in any particular time signature. In fact, I've never had music I'm writing dictate or demand anything of me. Suggest perhaps; demand certainly not. Afterall a melody, harmony or combination of both can be arranged in any time signature depending on what kind of rhythmic basis for it one desires. It is an entirely conscious choice. For example, I recently wrote out an arrangement of Gershwin's "Summertime" in 7/8. The song works quite nicely in good 'ol 4/4, but I wanted, because I really enjoy playing in 7/8, to try something different; especially with such a familiar song. So according to you I'm guilty of what - pretentiousness? Utterly ridiculous.
This idea that there is some music in odd time signatures that is "naturally" like that and therefore ok, and other music that is "contrived" to be that way is absurd for it presupposes the naturalness of 4/4, which is most certainly not the case. (If you think for some reason to the contrary, your great musical knowledge could use some much needed injection of the basics of ethnomusicology). When Stravinsky was writing "The Rite of Spring" with its constantly shifting meters, it was a deliberate conscious act to affect a certain sound, not some quasi-mystical inspiration as you seem to suggest.
You say it's "consistently clear" that Tool does it in a contrived way. How so? Again I could care less about Tool themselves, but what basis for such a claim do you have other than your own entirely subjective understanding of the music? Perhaps you could enlighten us as to bands that use odd time signatures in an uncontrived manner...