
Total votes: 13 (9%)
Total votes: 129 (91%)
Total votes: 142

Band: Melvins

connor wrote:I've listened to some Melvins and enjoy most of what I've heard. But they have oh-so-many records! And their stuff on that Patton label is fairly expensive! So let's narrow it down: the three best Melvins records. Three!

Tell me!

Stoner Witch

N/C. Although, sometimes I just want them to stop making noise al-fucking-ready.

Band: Melvins

Actually, it's supposed to be earilier than October. Nothing official yet however. All I know is that there will be a shit load of dates. Jared (of Big Business) wrote:

"The Melvins/Big Business US tour is coming to a town near you (if you're from America) at last. From early September to early December we will be on the road and coming right at you. So load up the vanagon and follow us from town to town. We don't mind! Just have the common courtesy to never, ever make eye contact with any of us. Tour dates posted soon."

It'll probably be another week or two before an official announcement is made.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.

Band: Melvins

Gramsci wrote:they are very nice guys... strangely sober very nice guys.

I shook Buzz's hand once in passing ("Hey, great show!") after they played here at Mississippi Nights. A few seconds later he had made a U-turn and came back to let me know that he had been really sick lately, and that I probably would want to go wash my hands.

He was very sincere - as a reflex he had shaken my hand, but upon reflection he realized he didn't want me to catch his crappy cold he was fighting on tour - that was a nice touch, I thought.

Band: Melvins

Big Business rip it the fuck up live. I've seen them a couple times lately, but haven't seen The Melvins for many years. I'm already getting red-eyed and frenzied thinking about this bill.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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