Pickup Lines

"I really enjoy cunnilingus"

However, I am too self conscious to use 'lines', so I employ the 'joke your way into her pants' tactic. This never works. Women don't want funny guys, no matter what they say. "Oh I just want a man that makes me laugh". YOU'RE LYING, LADY. You want a man with a big strong chest and an iron rod. Don't tease me by laughing appreciatively. This party is shit, I'm going to sit in the airing cupboard and push M&Ms up my nose.

Pickup Lines

The way I usually do it, if I see a girl I am interested in I totally rip apart whatever nerdy dude she came with right in front of him. I say the meanest stuff I can think of and call him horrible names and everyone laughs. It always works, every time. They might leave that night with the dude, but it plants a seed and they always show up again at some point and tell me how they dumped the dude because he was a wuss.
It's biological, girls don't wanna be with a wuss.
I was at a gyro place once and a guy walked over and dumped his entire soda on a girl's head for no reason. The dude who was there with the girl, did he jump up and stomp the guy into the ground? No, he just sat there and said 'Let's go honey' This is not noble, to slink away from conflict. This is not attractive to the ladies, as much as you indie rockers wanna believe it is.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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