
Total votes: 49 (61%)
Total votes: 31 (39%)
Total votes: 80

Either-Or: Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin?

zeppelin made better albums, better songs.

but they (and by they, i mean jimmy) knew no restraint.

sabbath had very little to restrain. completely adequate.

but sabbath had much more balls. and much less intelligence.

but they never referenced tolkien.

there is no touching bonham.

geezer vs. jonesy...jonesy could play the hell out of a piano/keyboard and a bass guitar. but geezer could beat the living shit out of a bass.

iommi vs. page...fuck...there's so much i hate about the both of 'em. solos. gross. riff by riff...uh...let's say page by the missing tip of tony's fingers.

ozzy had the one voice, plant had about 6.

the teenager says sabbath, the boring old man in me says zep.

i'm giving it to zep if only for brock samson.

tough call though. it hurt.

besides sabbath has maybe 6 good albums, zep has definitely 7.
in case you're not completely satisfied: i hate you.

Either-Or: Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin?

beloveless wrote:Zepplin would win if they had a different singer. I fucking hate Robert Plant.
Squealing nancy boy hack.

See, I voted for Zep because i can't stand Ozzy. Something about his voice just grates on me. Robert Plant sounds sleazy, but Ozzy just sounds boring and blocky. maybe that's the point that i'm missing...
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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