Mr. Show?

Total votes: 10 (12%)
Total votes: 71 (88%)
Total votes: 81

Show: Mr. Show

When people say they don't find Mr. Show to be funny, I really question whether or not they have a sense of humor.

"Caller, may I just say that you have called the exactamufungdoubley right place for all of your assistamentary needs."

"It is good news about Van Halen. Like the lotus, they bloom for you again and again."

The Civil War: The Re-enactments

Taint fucking Magazine?

C'mon, people...
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Show: Mr. Show

coupon the movie.

"and you'll never beileve the surprise ending... where THIS happens!"

any of the ronnie dobbs sketches, but especially the one where they're recording overdubs for the cop show. "can't a man drink his beer in silence? / can't a man crudely lie and scream? / can't a man control his bitch with violence? / y'all are brutalizing me."

the lie detector sketch, with "'s crack. it gets you really high" and, "have you ever taken a train and eaten it, piece by piece... AFTER you just derailed it with your penis?!"

the faux-hemingway sketch describing the sound of the lion's roar...

the devastator, as mentioned above... "the altered state of druggachusettes" sketch, the law school sketch (" will leave here with your heads full of SOUP...")... the class trip up teacher's mom's asshole.

i can't see how anyone wouldn't like this show. i'll admit there are sporadic moments when david cross comes off like a one-dimensional turd, but everything from the fake commercials for goods/services to the long musical numbers has at least one (if not many) brilliant, quotable line(s).

Show: Mr. Show

Mr. Show could never be crap, Run Ronnie Run sucked, but hey, it's hard making movies, especially if based on a ten minute bit from a t.v. show.

Mr Show is worth it for the Taint episode alone.

"Some people call it pornography, but I call it my bread and butter..."

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