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Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:26 pm
by Germ War_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:And now yale, choppy, and myself are in IfIHadAHiFi, and frankly, i think our name is brilliant.
The only thing I don't like about IfIHadAHiFi is the "random" case (yeah, I know there's order to it - all the first letters of each individual word is capitalized!). It just looks too much like an AOL chat room. I'd be down with "ifihadahifi" or "IFIHADAHIFI", though. Maybe even "Ifihadahifi".
I have played drums in Mustachio, Wicketran (previously "The Abdo Men" - so dumb), Rogue States, and STNNNG. I wouldn't say there is anything remarkable about any of those names, but I wouldn't say I hate them.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:31 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
Germ War wrote:The only thing I don't like about IfIHadAHiFi is the "random" case (yeah, I know there's order to it - all the first letters of each individual word is capitalized!). It just looks too much like an AOL chat room. I'd be down with "ifihadahifi" or "IFIHADAHIFI", though. Maybe even "Ifihadahifi".
People capitalize it a lot of diferent ways, and i don't mind any of them; i just happen to prefer the capitalizing of the individual words. I just like how it looks aesthetically. But we've never set that in stone. Heck, some people still spell it "If I Had A Hi-Fi," which looks annoying to me, but ultimately, it doesn't matter.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:47 pm
by Germ War_Archive
I hate it when people write "The STNNNG", even more than when they leave out an N. Which, yeah, it's fine and all because that IS our name, but if we type the "the", we might as well spell out the whole damn thing, aye?
File this under "things that really don't have much importance." But yeah, IfIHadAHiFi is solid regardless of case.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:08 pm
by Charlie D_Archive
joshsolberg wrote:I was in a band calld the Soul Merchants, which was a name I stole from a Vonnegut book (was it Deadeye Dick?).
That was from "Hocus Pocus".
I've got two bad band names that are so crap
and offensive, that there is no way in hell I'll repeat them. It was one (well two) of those things where I'd walk into the room, the bong would come away from somebody's mouth, and they'd say, "Chuck plays guitar, yeah; Chuck you're going to play guitar in [insert horrible band name and idea here]". Then for weeks I'd be in the band and not really have any control over whether or not I was. I'm probably still in those bands. Most of those people I don't hang around with anymore considering I moved liked 800 miles away from them.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:13 pm
by Mandroid20_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:The Barnuns - thought it was pretty clever at the time, but now i think it was more or less crap. My judgment could be clouded because the music was fucking awful, though.
The Barnuns then changed their name to Killfloor. I think maybe we were trying to go for a badass-sounding name, and yet, we were still not even remotely badass. Crappier than the original name.
Then the singer (yaledelay) and i joined up with choppy and our pal Mandy and formed The Pop Machine, which also eventually included Mandroid2.0. This name i feel is not crap, but the fact that there were like three other The Pop Machines was kinda crap.
(Note: regarding the definite article, i thought it was absolutely absurdly silly and hilarious to include the article as part of the band name to the point where i was insisting it be included in addition to an article referring to the band--for example, "In January 2000, we played the last The Pop Machine show.")
And now yale, choppy, and myself are in IfIHadAHiFi, and frankly, i think our name is brilliant. A good band name should really summarize what the band is about and help to really round out or frame the mental image of the band in the listener's head. "IfIHadAHiFi" is a palindrome, so it's geeky, and the "HiFi" portion somehow implies that we're sort of sloppy, unpolished, and "lo fi?" Maybe? I dunno, i think it fits.
"Rising Shotgun" is indeed a NOT CRAP band name. Amazing!
You are forgetting about the very short-lived though brilliant career of the definitely NOT CRAP "The Infinitives." It's too bad that Reno left for China and we had to split.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:30 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:You are forgetting about the very short-lived though brilliant career of the definitely NOT CRAP "The Infinitives." It's too bad that Reno left for China and we had to split.
I was really looking forward to the flyers, too. "The Infinitives -- to rock."
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:04 pm
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
I'd buy a split Infinitives 7". Perhaps with The Atoms*.
*I'm sure there are several bands called the atoms.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:48 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:yale, choppy, and myself are in IfIHadAHiFi.
I once said that people misuse the word "myself" at least 97% of the time. I now believe that this estimate was low.
Angus Jung wrote:Current band is called Oaxacan.
The non-Aztecs of this forum might not know that "Oaxacan" is pronounced "wa-ha-cun". From what I have heard, this band name fits this band very well.
I have recently learned that there is a Taiwanese band that calls itself
The internet is a weird place.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:29 pm
by kerble_Archive
Danger Adventure is a okay band name.
Band Name: Your own band
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:39 pm
by Maurice_Archive
Toxic Spores: not crap, until the anthrax attacks, when it wasn't funny anymore. So I went with the anagram...
Stoic Sex Pro, which was funny at the time, but teeters on the brink.
The Stem Cell Liberation Front: not crap
The Unindicted Co-Conspirators: not crap
Death Pig: not crap