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Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:12 am
by sunlore_Archive
Christopher_Dragon wrote:
I think I've mentioned this on here somewhere else but apparently there's a recording of one of their practices for the last tour where Spiral is complaining about how they never play songs he writes. Malkmus supposedly heard this and got in his face and started yelling "I am Pavement".

I never really understood why I hated Pavement so much, but this thread made me comprehend said sentiment better. Thank you, Pavement. For the breaking up.

Bands publicly shagging off other bands?

Not crap.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:56 pm
by only here_Archive
robert thefamilyghost wrote:
connor wrote:
Billy Corgan wrote:They can sleep at night thinking they're the coolest people on the planet but the fact of the matter is, kids don't get up in the morning and listen to those bands. Kids don't fall in love listening to those bands.

yep...and then the kids grow up, get out of high school, finally develop their tastes and stop listening to the "accessible" first thing the radio introduced them to and start listening to the aforementioned "cool" bands...

i was about to defend corgan in my knee-jerk fashion, when i suddenly recalled a similar statement he made in the aftermath of zwan. we talked about it here. you should bump that discussion. at least it is less than 10 years old. i said it was typical billy. walter joined in. it was great. sorry, i just can't get worked up over this. maybe next time.

not crap. remember sweet home alabama? rock feuds in general are not crap.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:58 am
by Terrainasaur_Archive
Crap with some waffle due to the time David Lee Roth said something like "The only guys . . . who're weak enough to put ice tea in jack daniel's bottles . . . is the CLASH, BAYBEEEEAGHGUGH"

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:37 am
by shagboy_Archive
Christopher_Dragon wrote:I think I've mentioned this on here somewhere else but apparently there's a recording of one of their practices for the last tour where Spiral is complaining about how they never play songs he writes. Malkmus supposedly heard this and got in his face and started yelling "I am Pavement".

this didn't actually happen. it was fabricated in an early, joke review of Slow Century on and somehow ended up as a genuine rumour.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:03 pm
by Brett Eugene Ralph_Archive
Christopher_Dragon wrote:Somewhere on these internets is Pavement covering "Wonderwall". It's pretty funny. As is their cover of "Something" by The Beatles.

I heard Steve and Harmony Korine do "Wonderwall" together at karaoke one night when Malkmus was in Nashville making the last Silver Jews record. It was really good but not as good as Harmony's rendition of "I Started a Joke."

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:44 pm
by connor_Archive
Pavement also covered "1979" by the Smashing Pumpkins.

It sounded pretty damn good and if I'm not mistaken, pretty damn sincere.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:58 pm
by Eksvplot_Archive
this is a tough one... there are certainly a lot of worthy targets for condemnation, but i feel like as long as i can avoid someone's music, and i don't have to hear about them all the time, or worse yet witness the members themselves going on and on about how entirely stellar and relevant they obviously think their band is, it's best not to get started on these sorta rants. i do occasionally slip, and sometimes i'm tempted to go off on someone, but i generally try to restrain myself, reserving my vitriol only for those who're really asking for it. i also try to spare young people because, let's face it, no one in their late teens or early twenties has a realistic view of their own music. i know i certainly didn't!

granted i don't play in bands anymore -- i do other shit that's a hell of a lot more rewarding (for me anyway) -- but i still feel qualified to bitch if provoked. it's just that in general i've just got bigger fish to fry, and it's such a losing battle since most people's tastes are governed by silly factors like sociological associations and the opinions of their peers. it's no skin off my back if someone doesn't understand why i think radio 4 or some local rock band are shit. just don't force me to listen to it in the car, and we're cool.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:33 pm
by tommydski_Archive
Blah Blah Blah.

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:24 pm
by shagboy_Archive
tommydski wrote:someone explain pavement to me one more time....

no need... sounds like you've already made up your mind.

this is the 1979 cover. it's not very good, actually ... PG5PCRKHE6

Activity: Bands publicly slagging off other bands

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:55 pm
by skatingbasser_Archive
Expressing your opinion is certainly Not Crap. Just because you are a musician doesn't mean you're not allowed to have opinions.

Just because someone is a musician they are supposed to be over curtious to someone? Screw that.