first time i'd seen don cab, first time i'd been to bardens. i've a feeling there was air con, but you're right about the crap stage, the huge pillars in the way and then the PA built up around the pillars.

if i'm honest, the guitarists looked a little uneasy, and the band didn't look like they hit their stride until about 3/4 of the way through. damon shouted out "you're witnessing the most amateur playing of my life" or summats similar, so i'm guessing he wasn't too thrilled either.

but they are a band i have always wanted to see. and i'm damn pleased i did.
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004


Gramsci wrote:Thirded, just shite warp factor 400. US bands, play Luminaire please. Great venue, makes Bardens seem like playing in your mates basement -in a bad way-. I've seen Battles at Luminaire and Bardens. Bardens is shit, Luminaire is nice, please play there.

Have to agree and disagree. I agree Bardens is a not-very-good venue, but disagree that Luminaire is better in terms of the stage layout (though it's easier to get to).

If you think about it, the Luminaire layout is similar to Bardens, in that the space in front of the stage is the narrowest part of the building, also there are these large pillars hemming in both sides of the narrow stage, cutting out the possibility of diagonal side views.

When I walked into Bardens I was immediately reminded of Luminaire. maybe the air-con is better at Luminaire, but the stage positioning and punter views are equally crap.

Nethertheless, Don Cab played what I thought was a brilliant set - had never seen them live before, so was blown away. Cannot get my head around Damon Che's drumming - fucking amazing.

Just wished they'd played somewhere like the 100 Club - now there is a great venue - good raised stage, totally open visiblility, brilliant atmosphere... and easy to get to...


Considering that the Big Man himself was having a hard time dealing with the heat and, as it seemed to me . stopped the show early due to that fact I don't think it was a terribly great place for the band to play. having not heard the new record I'm gonna say it was pretty chessy in places and reminded me of the Van Halen-ness of the Speaking Canaries. Quite underwelmed.
born in cardiff, raised by wolves

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