nihil wrote:You are missing the point. Who are you helping? Yourself? Good for you. Put that in perspective, and you might just understand.
You help others by helping yourself. People acting together in unified self-interests. Selflessness does not work. Not to get all John Galt on you, but we are not built that way.
If you police your own actions well, your life improves the lives of others without you ever thinking about it.
nihil wrote:Wonder Woman called...she wants her belt back.
Think about those who are suffering in the world. Then think about why.
I have, but I choose to conclude with a different why. You want to tell people who's why doesn't mirror yours that they have not thought. Just say "Think like me." It's quicker.
nihil wrote:You are wasting your time and energy on something that means nothing. Good for you Super Boy. You are so brave.
Brave enough to accept the consequences if dabbling in conspiracy theories causes some. I've already anticipated what I'll have running through my head on the day before I die, if I am given advance warning. I'll think, "I lost. We lost. But I took my best shot at telling myself the truth along the way".
I don't expect to win. I expect to die unknown. Maybe you think you're gaining on your enemies with your "time courageously spent" asking your enemies to fight fair or you'll hold your breath approach, but you're not. Their power gets more and more entrenched.
Where are you on the left, exactly?
With the left that couldn't produce a single senator to sign off when the congressional black caucus wanted to dispute the Electoral College results in 2000?
With John Kerry and Hillary Clinton when they granted GWB full power to make war as he saw fit?
With John Kerry when he conceded the election of 2004 with people screaming voter fraud in Ohio and Texas and in Florida?
With Russ Feingold when he stood alone to censure the President for wire-tapping?
Are you on the peaceful non-civil disobedience left? Do you know why Karl Rove could run a coked-out simpleton who claimed to talk with God before he invaded Iraq and still whip the left's ass twice? Was he too smart, or was your message too weak?
nihil wrote:Think about the things that really matter. If you need my help, I'll gladly volunteer.
Help doing what? Thinking ineffectively? I'll tell you what. I'll go out on a limb here:
There is a day of reckoning coming soon for the American economy. A market correction that we have never seen before will be here before 2012. This economy built on speculation and options is going to topple right off this mountain made of budget deficits and trade deficits.
When that day comes, God willing, America may finally rise up and rebuild capitalism into a system that works for Americans. If you can find me, i'll let you volunteer for our army.
Until then, you solve problems your way, and I'll do it my way.
nihil wrote: But please stop wasting time. The time that has been courageously spent by so many people around the world...excluding you.
Dude, I've got mileage on my feet and on my mouth that you can't understand from the work I've done trying to change this system peacefully. What do you think- once you become a conspiracy theorist you just sit all day in front of that same slot machine hoping for cherries?
Once again- you don't know all that I do, but you're sure that you don't like how I do it.
nihil wrote:People who have an unselfish compassion and a realistic understanding of the world. People who are dedicated to change.
oh yeah...
fuck you, you selfish prick.
i mean that in the nicest way.
Fuck you, dickwad. Meant exactly as it reads.