Touch & Go 25th shows

Angus Jung wrote:
kerble wrote:
Tom wrote:
Johnny 13 wrote:I have not checked with the wife, or read the schedule, but I could have some sort of a Electrical BBQ on one of those days if anyone would be interested.

Gross. Electrical BBQ's suck. Make it Charcoal and I'm in.

the all aluminum gril makes up for it.

warm and crunchy.

I was totally skeptical until I tried one of those roasted Travis beans.

The flavor sustained nicely.

Mesquite or Hickory?

Touch & Go 25th shows

BadComrade wrote:Itchy will also bring the St. Paulie Girl to put in the cups.

I'm thinking there might be an 11-syllable German word that expresses "shut the fuck up!" and "happy birthday!" at the same time. It would be nice to have that knowledge and use it here.

I'll wing it:
Schwarfenbirfenhusenphooker, Chris.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Touch & Go 25th shows

MajorEverettMiller wrote:
instant_zen wrote:also, i like the idea of having an EA forum meeting. maybe not, like, "we'll meet at the Cubby Bear and head over to the show" or anything, but it'd be fun to, at some point that weekend, have a designated meetandgreet/party/something. i'd go.

I think Steve should close the studio for the weekend and let us all sleep there.

Dibs on the dead room in Studio B! You fools can sleep in Kentucky!

This is an excellent idea!

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