nihil wrote:No, no, no. Let's try this:
A.The current administration is guilty of violating international law. This is uncontroversial and would hold up in a court of law. The evidence is clear.
And the fact that nobody from the adminstration has been tried or will be tried in a court of international law proves what to you about international law? That it doesn't apply to the real criminals, maybe?
nihil wrote:B. The current administration is not guilty of masterminding the 9/11 attacks. However, you and a few hundred others (weren't there about 500 at your convention?) seem to believe otherwise. The evidence at best is speculation and would not hold up in a court of law.
Further proof of your idiocy. Yes, the fact that the meeting rooms at the embassy suites only held five hundred or less people proves inconclusively that only 500 people on earth distrust the official story- only 500 people were there, right?
nihil wrote:I'm sure you're hot to type a bunch of convoluted and abstract crap right about now. I'm sure you'll find a way to continue to twist my words and my point.
No, I'm very nearly through typing shit that sails right over your head for the day. I'm sure you're still working on misunderstanding my previous five posts.
nihil wrote:By all means, go for it. But I will continue to be believe that A is more important than B.
You are sinking fast. A is more important so B can be disregarded? Cool, let's eliminate investigating all crimes and assorted genocides below a certain casualty threshold- maybe 3,500 plus?
What does your personal belief in Bush as war criminal have to do with your personal belief in the official story of 9/11? Apparently nothing. Same person, different days, so what, different ethics?
The fact that you believe he would cheerfully kill Iraqis for lies but
don't believe Bush would lie to and kill Americans demonstrates how inadequately prepared you are to understand evil men.
Good luck untangling these abstract arguments. I'm punching the clock and will clean up your next mess in the morning.