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word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:03 am
by Mose Varty-Seppanen_Archive
Chapter Two wrote:Wuggahumpftamuff. They're called goddamn wuggahumpftamuffs. OKAY?!?

I'd buy a fuzz pedal called Wuggahumpftamuff.
Chap.II, you should sell that one to electro-harmonix.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:03 pm
by Eierdiebe
i use both. interchangeably, in case you haven't noticed.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:49 pm
by oxlongm_Archive
Isabelle Gall wrote:Film. 'Movies' is just an American word used by Americans, isn't it? At most a small sideline to the history of film/cinema, in general. Doesn't it just stem from the need to refer to a social act, as in 'going to the Movies', where the intrinsic quality of the film you're watching is basically arbitrary? Out of that grew a whole separate world of commerce. Sure, there are good movies. Great ones even, two have already received a mention in this thread. There are, of course, incredible American films too. However, they only became great after been assessed within a wider, worldwide context (often to understand their own influences, for example), before taking their place in the pantheon. John Cassavetes would probably have referred to his films, as an American, as 'Movies', this is true, but I think what he's implying is that there's no reason why they shouldn't have made as much money as your average movie of the time. I agree although, of course, they didn't, because he was a real artist. You can't have your popcorn and eat it.

Are you actually this annoying a turd in real life, or are you just rehearsing at it?

I'd like to participate in this poll, but I don't see enough motion pictures to have established an opinion, what with me not even owning a television and all.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:06 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
oxlongm wrote:
Isabelle Gall wrote:Film. 'Movies' is just an American word used by Americans, isn't it? At most a small sideline to the history of film/cinema, in general. Doesn't it just stem from the need to refer to a social act, as in 'going to the Movies', where the intrinsic quality of the film you're watching is basically arbitrary? Out of that grew a whole separate world of commerce. Sure, there are good movies. Great ones even, two have already received a mention in this thread. There are, of course, incredible American films too. However, they only became great after been assessed within a wider, worldwide context (often to understand their own influences, for example), before taking their place in the pantheon. John Cassavetes would probably have referred to his films, as an American, as 'Movies', this is true, but I think what he's implying is that there's no reason why they shouldn't have made as much money as your average movie of the time. I agree although, of course, they didn't, because he was a real artist. You can't have your popcorn and eat it.

Are you actually this annoying a turd in real life, or are you just rehearsing at it?

I'd like to participate in this poll, but I don't see enough motion pictures to have established an opinion, what with me not even owning a television and all.

I initially skipped right over that post after the first couple of sentences. Upon reading it now, I wish I'd skipped it twice. Jesus.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:12 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
what kind of foofy asshole calls band practice 'rehearsal'?
Like it's some kind of pageant or something?
It's just dudes playing guitars, like a million billion other dudes playing guitars. Just practice your stupid songs and play them on stage in front of people. There's nothing to 'rehearse'

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:14 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:what kind of foofy asshole calls band practice 'rehearsal'?
Like it's some kind of pageant or something?
It's just dudes playing guitars, like a million billion other dudes playing guitars. Just practice your stupid songs and play them on stage in front of people. There's nothing to 'rehearse'

What about your rock faces and your between-song banter? That shit doesn't just happen spontaneously, man!

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:04 pm
by thepcs_Archive
glueman wrote:Also, he is the only drummer I know who will not use the word "throne" really pisses him off....he says it is a "fucking stool". Does anyone else here not say "throne"?

well i only use the term "throne." and i call my drumsticks "scepters" because i am the king of all drumland.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:49 pm
by Isabelle Gall_Archive
oxlongm wrote:Are you actually this annoying a turd in real life, or are you just rehearsing at it?

You wouldn't want to speak to me in real life-don't worry, i'm sure that there are lots of other people who you would like to. Besides i'm practising at it, not rehearsing.
However, the post you refer too was deliberately a little bit arch, a little bit Adorno, I confess. It hasn't done what it was intended to do, which was to try to build from the initial post by BClark. Sorry oxlongm dude, take comfort in the fact that I failed.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:57 pm
by Chapter Two_Archive
Isabelle Gall wrote:You wouldn't want to speak to me in real life-don't worry, i'm sure that there are lots of other people who would like to.

word choice: " film" or " movie"

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:15 pm
by ctrl-s_Archive
Isabelle Gall wrote:a little bit Adorno

Big Ted Says "No" On Punk Rock Internet Message Board! FILM at eleven!

I'd love to see you, or anybody, go MAXIMUM ADORNO on people's asses here. Bring it on.