robert thefamilyghost wrote:placeholder wrote:Always CRAP, always really cheesy looking.
ooh! can i have your old "Atari" strat copy!?
Anonymous Internet Nerd Outed as Hypocrite
CHICAGO, Electrical Audio, September 30th - Eletrical Audio Discussion Forum user "robert thefamilyghost" came forward with a shocking revelation about his friend, bandmate, and fellow Forum-poster "placeholder." In response to "placeholder"'s assertion that putting stickers on a guitar or bass is "Always CRAP, always really cheesy looking," "robert thefamilyghost" pointed out that "placeholder" had, in fact, once festooned the headstock of a Lotus Stratocaster copy with an "Atari" sticker.
When asked about this allegation, "placeholder" had this to say: "He neglected to mention that there were a couple of other stickers on the guitar, and that at one point I hot-glued some circuitboards and wires to its body as well. He also overlooked the fact that I did all this stuff over 11 years ago, when I was still in high school. In hindsight, I concede that these were extraordinarily cheesy and embarrassing things to do to a guitar."
Forum user "placeholder" has been forced to recant his previous CRAP vote, having been "outed" and thoroughly humiliated as a filthy hypocrite and one-time guitar-stickerer. Forum user "placeholder" concedes that his current opinion of putting stickers on a guitar as "cheesy" is negated 100% by that one time, many years ago, that he actually put some stickers on a guitar. He would like the record to show that he has not affixed any stickers to any of the many musical instruments he has purchased in the years since that dark day when he put a couple of stickers on a guitar.
Robert, you may not have my Strat copy.