Feeding a cat

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Get out of the house more
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Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

I know that my large, muscular cat loves me very much. I'm told that he becomes despondent when I'm not around and when I am around he wants to be wherever I am. But I know that if I were smaller then him then I would become his dinner in an instant.

When I don't feel him he tackles me from behind. Thirteen pounds of aggressive boy-cat can make my knees buckle but I love this rambunctious guy.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

trompuss wrote:"I always assumed it was a gift or something because the rest of the animal was never around. I like to think he was trying to feed me like I fed him."

He was trying to feed you. And you are supposed to pretend to eat it in front of him and appear grateful. At least that's what this lady told me a few weeks ago.

I heard that they never see you actually kill your food so they suspect that you don't know how to take care of yourself. This gesture is them trying to take care of you.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

noise&light wrote:
I heard that they never see you actually kill your food so they suspect that you don't know how to take care of yourself. This gesture is them trying to take care of you.

This couple that's friends with a friend of mine--their large dog once killed a DEER and brought it home, for this very reason.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

lemur68 wrote:
noise&light wrote:
I heard that they never see you actually kill your food so they suspect that you don't know how to take care of yourself. This gesture is them trying to take care of you.

This couple that's friends with a friend of mine--their large dog once killed a DEER and brought it home, for this very reason.

tough love of the fittest.

Sad-Not Sad: Feeding A Cat

The house I live in has a tv room that was added on about ten years ago by the previous owner. Every so often a couple of slugs will crawl out from under the one step that separates the two rooms. I have discovered that slugs like carrots. Pumpkins, I knew, but carrots was news to me. So now I lay out a little baby carrot when I see one.

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