Moderator: Greg


Total votes: 13 (76%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 4 (24%)
Total votes: 17


AnthonyVillalobos wrote:I watched PRIDE quite a lot when it was around. I'll start watching UFC when they bring Fedor on over to destroy every Heavy Weight they've got contracted.Fedor was offered the largest contract in UFC history, and he turned it down. And you do realize, he was beaten last week by a guy who was in the UFC and got beaten by non-title holders?I used to like Fedor too, but he is scared of being in the UFC. He hasn't fought anyone relevant in 4 or 5 years.


Trey wrote:AnthonyVillalobos wrote:I watched PRIDE quite a lot when it was around. I'll start watching UFC when they bring Fedor on over to destroy every Heavy Weight they've got contracted.Fedor was offered the largest contract in UFC history, and he turned it down. And you do realize, he was beaten last week by a guy who was in the UFC and got beaten by non-title holders?I used to like Fedor too, but he is scared of being in the UFC. He hasn't fought anyone relevant in 4 or 5 years.No shit? That's depressing as fuck. Fedor is one of my favorite fighters. I'm gonna have to look up that fight of him getting his ass kicked on youtube. For a while there I remember he was undefeated except for a fight where the judges wouldn't let him to continue fighting with his eye lid bleeding. That was some bullshit. As far as I'm concerned that particular fight doesn't exist on his record.He's probably watching what's happening to Crocop right now. That dude has seen better days too.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?


bro brogan.I am not sure, but I think everyone at my gym is in the UFC. I always see some clown show doing incline situps and punching the air. .....Either that, or I work out at a department store that sells Underarmor and Tapout clothes.......I wonder how many barfights have sloppy drunken submission attempts these days. Unbelievably Friendly Cuddling.Yarbageedit: I had to hit "submit" to post this. I lose.


EmpireStateTroopers wrote:SecondEdition wrote:Doesn't anyone else think this is just a tad homoerotic?No. Not one bit. Total fucking crap, WF 0.000000. If it were at all homoerotic it would be crap WF 0.0000001.Fair enough. You would know better than I would, after all.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.


wellsyuk wrote:The verbal advertising schpeel is just horrible - I'm not used to that. You get it from Bruce Buffer and even the commentators too? Brought to you by... argh Noo..And the fighters are forced to wear sponsored stuff the moment they stop fighting.. just cheap..I completely agree. I'm not used to that sort of thing either, and i find it gross. It especially annoys me when Mike Goldberg is saying some shit like tonight's fight clock is brought to you by Bud Light - THE DIFFERENCE IS DRINKABILITY!, while someone is in the middle of securing a submission or throwing a head kick. I know it's not his fault because he is forced to do it, but surely just having the logos all over the place/popping up on screen with the fight clock/fighter stats etc is enough non?The sport of MMA is still in its infancy so at least improvements are being made all the time. I have been following it since the beginning and it has been interesting to see the way it has evolved. I think if someone was to argue that in the early days it was a pretty savage spectacle and all that, i would be inclined to agree. It was a bit of a freakshow. I think i mainly started watching it out of pure shock and somehow got hooked.These days though, i find it much more difficult to watch boxing or K1. People being blasted in the same 2 or 3 spots repeatedly makes me whince a lot more than seeing guys go at it, attacking all over the place in as many different ways as possible. Yeah, it can mean that it's pretty devastating sometimes, but the overall longlasting damage caused is far less in MMA than it is in other combat sports.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.


qrj wrote:We all goin' to TJ chumps to watch da fight after the gym bro.I'll never see the appeal to this sort of macho bullshit.This and it's fans are up there on my Reasons to Move into the Woods, and Then Never Leave the Woods list.Crap.Yeah, that's pretty awful. And sadly, is a pretty accurate summing up of 75% of the fans. There are plenty of non offensive people in to MMA though. It's a shame that a lot of the associations and promotional aspects of the largest MMA brand (UFC) will keep so many people at a distance, and i really do see why so many people would be put off by this.Luckily for me, i have very little difficulty in separating the shitty aspects of the UFC from the non shitty aspects of MMA. One of my favourite things is that the macho dumbass fighters very, very rarely manage to actually be very good at MMA, so they usually have a short or unimportant career in the sport. I'd say around 80-90% of the elite fighters all come across as really decent and intelligent folk.Also, i actually like commentator Joe Rogan, which i'm sure is the opposite to most people. With regards to MMA, he definitely knows what he's talking about. Not long ago there was a superb fight that was basically a lot of submission attempts going back and forth, so the goons in the crowd were booing because they weren't being given a bloodbath stand-up war. Whilst interviewing the fighters inside the octagon after the fight, the crowd were booing again. Joe Rogan got visibly agitated and annoyed, so he adressed the audience about their booing and how stupid they were and that they were an embarrassment. I thought that was pretty cool of him. He didn't need to do that. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he actually got a bollocking for it.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.


vockins wrote:The fighters seemed generally more prepared and more skilled. And the Leben/Akiyama fight was the best fight of the year so far. No quit in either of those guys.I can see that any night of the week a block and a half from my apartment. Two dudes "not quitting" and plowing each other in the face for five minutes is not sport to me.[/quote]The Pride fighters weren't more prepared and skilled. Many of them basically went back and forth between Pride and UFC, depending on where they could get the most money at the time. Plus, Pride did not check for steroids, so basically all of their fighters were juiced. Almost all the best Pride fighters came to UFC after Pride folded, and while they remain contenders, they've all been beaten by UFC guys. Anderson Silva is the exception to this, I will have to think if there are others. Yes, Leben and Akiyama was a brawl. But both guys have mad skills. Sometimes, one guy's skills cancel the other guy's, and they just dig in and get after it. It is "fighting", and if someone doesn't have the stomach for watching it, that's understandable. But those guys are in there to win, and they want to do it in the most exciting fashion possible. A boring but undefeated fighter doesn't get many fans, and therefore doesn't get to fight on the bigger cards very much.Here's probably the most famous Pride fight ever.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G90YcgwA ... re=related


The verbal advertising schpeel is just horrible - I'm not used to that. You get it from Bruce Buffer and even the commentators too? Brought to you by... argh Noo..And the fighters are forced to wear sponsored stuff the moment they stop fighting.. just cheap..

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