Worst local-hometown bands in your area

hopelesshomo wrote:

Peavey AND red-knob Fender. These guys had it all.

Marsupialized wrote:think about this for a second...these are grown men. These aren't teenagers, they all gotta be in their 30's and they are dressed like 7th grade emo kids with teh arm socks and eyeliner and hooks and straps hanging off their clothes all over and whatnot. How fucking stupid would you feel dressing up and putting make up on and shit like that?

There's a band at the same practice space as mine that does this (sans arm socks at least) and those guys gotta be pushing 40. They had show flyers up that described their sound as being similar to U2, No Doubt, Metallica and Eric Clapton. They practice this terrible plodding modern-rock cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" for about 45 minutes at a crack......not kidding. 45 minutes of a duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh version of "Time After Time"; we'll run through our entire set, step outside our door and they're still playing it. They have meetings in the common area of our space with their manager and there's always one band dude sitting there sipping a glass of red wine during said meetings. These guys are the ultimate dinks.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Kyle Motor wrote:There's a band at the same practice space as mine that does this (sans arm socks at least) and those guys gotta be pushing 40. They had show flyers up that described their sound as being similar to U2, No Doubt, Metallica and Eric Clapton. They practice this terrible plodding modern-rock cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" for about 45 minutes at a crack......not kidding. 45 minutes of a duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh version of "Time After Time"; we'll run through our entire set, step outside our door and they're still playing it. They have meetings in the common area of our space with their manager and there's always one band dude sitting there sipping a glass of red wine during said meetings. These guys are the ultimate dinks.

This wouldn't happen to be M.U.S.T., would it? Are they still around?

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Kyle Motor wrote:They practice this terrible plodding modern-rock cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" for about 45 minutes at a crack......not kidding. 45 minutes of a duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh version of "Time After Time"; we'll run through our entire set, step outside our door and they're still playing it.

This part just makes it sound like you've got a practice space next to Cheer-Accident.
Hey. My name's Josh.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

DrAwkward wrote:
Kyle Motor wrote:There's a band at the same practice space as mine that does this (sans arm socks at least) and those guys gotta be pushing 40. They had show flyers up that described their sound as being similar to U2, No Doubt, Metallica and Eric Clapton. They practice this terrible plodding modern-rock cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" for about 45 minutes at a crack......not kidding. 45 minutes of a duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh version of "Time After Time"; we'll run through our entire set, step outside our door and they're still playing it. They have meetings in the common area of our space with their manager and there's always one band dude sitting there sipping a glass of red wine during said meetings. These guys are the ultimate dinks.

This wouldn't happen to be M.U.S.T., would it? Are they still around?

You mean "Men Under Sexual Tension"? No, not them.....not sure if they're still around, I haven't seen their stupid name out there for awhile. They're just one step away from MEST.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.

Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

The "music scene" in Leeds has received something of a "lift" with the recent success of the Kaiser Chiefs.

Where do I start?

Okay, I start with their previous band, the garage band when garage was fashionable, who released a single about 'Living On The Hessles', which the press release described as a song about growing up in a tough area of Leeds prone to crime, and which had a sleeve depicting a burnt out New York police car.

I can see 'The Hessles' from my flat and they didn't grow up there, they moved there when they were students and it's the nice part of the student area. No burnt out NYPD cars tonight.

Then Franz Ferdinand happened and these cunts came to the fore in golf gear with a new name, The Kaiser Chiefs. The Franz-Kaiser link is obvious, but these clowns claimed it was related to Leeds United FC's captain, a South African named Lucas Radebe, and his former club. Except that club was the Kaizer Chiefs. Either these twats are dumb, or lying.

My earliest memory is a personal encounter with the keyboard player, the self-named 'Peanut', who is noted for wearing "a hat". I was DJing in the pub where he used to work, and the equipment was fucked. Everytime I switched from one deck to the other, there would be an unpredicatable jump in volume. Each time I would correct it, each time he would come over and tell me it had been too loud.

"Yeah, I know," says I. "The equipment's fucked. I turned it down."

"But man, like, that was too loud, man," he says. "We couldn't hear customers at the bar."

"Sure," I says. "So I turned it down. Is it too loud now? No? So, I'm on top, okay?"

...and this would happen every time I changed record.

And now they're wacky funsters rehashing Blur records and supporting U2. And I hoped with the first terrible single from their terrible second album that would be it, they would disappear, but the public have clutched them even closer to their collective busom and now there's no hope.

This weekend, Kaiser Chiefs are playing an outdoor gig in the grounds of a stately home near Leeds. The whole city is abuzz, even though the rain is a-pouring and the mud must surely by a-thickening. Sadly, I don't think any mud is thick or wet enough to save me from these bastards any time soon.

Still, at least their success has given a 'shot in the arm' to all the local Kaiser Chiefs-copy bands, and filled the city up with moist-mouthed A&R men. That's got to be a good thing right? Yeah. Too fucking right.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Worst local-hometown bands in your area

Marsupialized wrote:

think about this for a second...these are grown men. These aren't teenagers, they all gotta be in their 30's and they are dressed like 7th grade emo kids with teh arm socks and eyeliner and hooks and straps hanging off their clothes all over and whatnot. How fucking stupid would you feel dressing up and putting make up on and shit like that?

I hope they are making lots of money. Lots.

I heard from a acquaintance and friend of the shit-troupe Fall Out Boy that they are just in it for the $$ in every way possible. Pretty brilliant, if you ask me. Aren't they sponsored by Verizon?

I have a decent paying day job and I guess I am old and fat now, but if I were 21 again, I would consider being in one of these emo-shitwagon bands. It would be so easy, and partially humorous. I would need to make bank though. Assloads.

I would quit after two years and start a "solo" career. Hopefully this would confuse the shit out of my adoring middle school fans.

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