Douche of the year (from ) wrote:"Ryan Judas Wolf"
About Ryan Judas Wolf (Official)
"I am a proud man. Take me for who I am, or leave me alone. I change for no one, since I've worked hard in my life to find beliefs and faith, and am not going to let that faith discintegrate just because of the influences of others. I'm direct and honest, and refuse to devulge in the bullshit of others. If you feel the need to flirt and flatter my ego, don't. Conversely, you feel the need to question my attitude, don't. It's not worth my time, since if I have the time to indulge you and explain myself, I have time to indulge my frets and work my guitar. So, I choose the later.
"I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't use drugs. I love women
(yeah fucking right, H-GM run your gaydar over this one), and I love anything fast enough to do something stupid in. I'm a nomad, a gypsy, who moves from one place to the next and is always traveling. Sometimes I have money to travel comfortably. Sometimes I'm homeless and need to live on the streets. But no matter where I am, I always have my guitar. I'm a musician, first and foremost, and I live my life to the fullest as one. My guitar is my life, and I would probably take my own life if I ever had to give it up. I would have nothing more to live for. No person could ever be what my musical talent is to me. It is the soul of my existence. And so, it is all encompassing, working very hard to make something of myself and make it in this industry. Hopefully others can respect me and appreciate who I and what I am trying to do with my life. Thus, I express myself on this world of the wired.
"My music is a voice. It is a voice that says, here I am and fuck you if you don't understand me. I play from my heart, from what feels right. Either you can associate with it, or you can't. I don't care either way, because this is the music from my heart and soul, who I truly am... and this is how I will make my dreams come to fruition and thus, find enlightenment.
If you care to learn about me, you can read my full biography by clicking on the banner below."
"Ryan Judas Wolf"
I play the guitar, because after my time in the military, I was no longer socially cognitive enough to communicate with people on an inter-personally acceptable level. I pride myself on being a gentleman, and being a good man. But, I am no longer a normal person. I was a dog of war, who became a lone wolf and lost his way. And so, that is what I am still...
... If you decide to contact me, please be conscientious of this. I am not humane, I am not socially acceptable, I am not sub-culturally understanding, I am not sensitive to the world around me, and I have not found peace with myself or my life. But if you can be understanding of this and respect me for who and what I am when you contact me, then I'll be grateful for it, smile, and kindly reply and communicate. In the mean time, I will keep playing guitar and making my music in order to continue searching for my serenity and peace...