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It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:50 pm
by radio addiction_Archive
Our current snowstrom started yesterday with a bunch of rain (that obviously has turned to ice) and then it has been snowing non-stop since about midnight. We now have enough snow to open more than one run on the ski mountain (YEAH!).... but I expect this kind of weather regularly when living at an elevation of 9545 feet. It has been predicted that we will have about 3 feet of new accumulation once this storm passes through. The bummer is that I have to work tomorrow (versus going smowboarding with my kids).

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:58 pm
by field_Archive
So I work for a trucking company.
I supervise drivers.
I spent last couple days seeing the looming forecast.
I routed the trucks last night (Friday), knowing shit would suck.
There are 8 trucks making deliveries on saturdays.
I'm responsible for them.
Ranging deliveries from Green Bay to Kenosha.
I spent the last 8 hours on the fucking phone w/
worried Customers
worried Salesmen
worried drivers
stuck drivers
tow truck company
disappointed customers
disappointed salesman
Disappointed drivers
my boss
his boss
my boss
repeat X10

We pulled the plug at 5:30, anybody left on the road to a hotel ASAP!

3 guys spending the night in there trucks away from their families
We run daycabs- No sleepers, 2 dudes sleeping in trucks
I am a nervous wreck, and I only drove my car home. (an adventure all its own)
the 3 fellas that are stranded, worked (unloading thousands of lbs of food by hand) a minimum of 14 and some close to 16 (federal limit) hrs today.

I am now drinking bourbon (lots)
must pick up the pieces tomorrow.

Fucking sucks this snow/sleet/Frz rain!!!!!!!

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:57 pm
by areopagite_Archive
Short sleeves today. FUCK YES

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:25 am
by 2nd Rick_Archive
Freezing rain, sleet, ice sticking to powerlines and tree branches...

Basically total mayhem... Idiots who still see the speed limit sign and jam their accelerator until their speedo is 5 over (or they hit a pile of parked cars, which I saw tonight).

Power lines freaking out and transformers lighting up the sky with bright blue and yellow flashes!!

Tree limbs on the streets, and falling on the roof of my house.

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:29 am
by todd_v_Archive
Central Texas was a little cloudy today but still about 60 degrees f. Very Nice weather in these parts. Took my dog, Taco, for a nice long walk.

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:14 am
by Lemuel Gulliver_Archive

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:24 am
by TwoTwoZeroSeven_Archive
Bloody cold, bright sunshine and really very windy.

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:10 am
by skewer_Archive
It was a very nice 90F/32C today in Melbourne. It's raining now. Hopefully that'll cool the place down so it is easy to sleep.

It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:34 am
by Dr Venkman_Archive
25 degrees F


It s Raining Plane Parts Just Like At The Pentagon On 9-11

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:53 am
by burun_Archive
Dr. Venkman wrote:25 degrees F


All the students are complaining.

I am happy, b/c I brought in a few rolls of Kodachrome.

Lunchtime in T minus 37 minutes.