Loop(ing) Pedal.

i use a boss rc1, which is the most basic looper, i know, but i don't use it for loops, really, more for noise, or ambience. this looper allows you to take two outputs. but i want the looper out of the signal chain when engaged, and i want to be able to control the volume of the loop with my foot.i don't need to use any of the switching an aby provides. can i just use a stereo delay or even another looper to take two outputs? whats the drawback of this approach? the rc1 is basically the same price as a decent aby box. this would allow me to have two loops, one sent to a separate amp (the noise stuff).also, i have an analog delay but i'm thinking about adding a digital delay. if i make it a stereo delay, i can just use this, right? how much of my dick does that cut off?

Loop(ing) Pedal.

well the thing is that i care significantly less about the fidelity of the loop than the fidelity of my direct signal. i feel like when i have some noisy loop going, a) it's really hard to achieve the right level proportionate to my live signal and b) and this is related, it doesn't sound like two guitars, it sounds more like a muddy mess. i want to be able to dump some feedback and noise to the looper, and then do a sweet lead using my borken snakesking pedal, the sweet lead doesn't cut through, it's like the two signals are fighting inside the pedal.

Loop(ing) Pedal.

Assuming it's "I would like to be able to use other pedals in the 'Looped' material...":- Take the looper out of the current pedal setup.- Decide on an A/B/Y box. Radial Engineering stuff is pretty heavy duty. Big John's post shows the Radial with a great indicator for whether "A" or "B" is on.- Run the "Loop" amp from the "B" output.- After the normal set of pedals, plug into the A/B/Y pedal.- From the "B" output, run into the looper and volume pedal.- Press the "Toggle" switch to run to output "B"(Red led indicator on that pedal)- Create loop/adjust volume with volume pedal.- Switch over to "A" input(Green led indicator on that pedal)- Run "A" output to normal amp.I'd guess that once the loop is going you won't need an input path from the A/B/Y/ pedal to keep it going.

Loop(ing) Pedal.

n.c. wrote:well the thing is that i care significantly less about the fidelity of the loop than the fidelity of my direct signal. i feel like when i have some noisy loop going, a) it's really hard to achieve the right level proportionate to my live signal and b) and this is related, it doesn't sound like two guitars, it sounds more like a muddy mess. i want to be able to dump some feedback and noise to the looper, and then do a sweet lead using my borken snakesking pedal, the sweet lead doesn't cut through, it's like the two signals are fighting inside the pedal.This is the very best argument for the A/B/Y box setup.

Loop(ing) Pedal.

n.c. wrote:i use a boss rc1, which is the most basic looper, i know, but i don't use it for loops, really, more for noise, or ambience. this looper allows you to take two outputs. but i want the looper out of the signal chain when engaged, and i want to be able to control the volume of the loop with my foot.i don't need to use any of the switching an aby provides. can i just use a stereo delay or even another looper to take two outputs? whats the drawback of this approach? the rc1 is basically the same price as a decent aby box. this would allow me to have two loops, one sent to a separate amp (the noise stuff).also, i have an analog delay but i'm thinking about adding a digital delay. if i make it a stereo delay, i can just use this, right? how much of my dick does that cut off?One guy's take...It's not so much about the switching.A decent A/B/Y box will provide you with a couple of options when it comes to the sort of noise that can be an issue when it comes to multiple amp setups.The other pedals we are talking about(delays/loopers)?If any sort of multiple amp noise breaks out, they will just look at you like "Bro, I don't even have any arms to shrug..."

Loop(ing) Pedal.

Angus Jung wrote:n.c. wrote:well the thing is that i care significantly less about the fidelity of the loop than the fidelity of my direct signal. i feel like when i have some noisy loop going, a) it's really hard to achieve the right level proportionate to my live signal and b) and this is related, it doesn't sound like two guitars, it sounds more like a muddy mess. i want to be able to dump some feedback and noise to the looper, and then do a sweet lead using my borken snakesking pedal, the sweet lead doesn't cut through, it's like the two signals are fighting inside the pedal.Having dealt with these kinds of issues a lot, I ended up settling on the Pigtronix Infinity looper, which has both an Auxiliary out so you can send loops to a PA or other sound source, and an expression pedal out so you can control loop volume, fade loops in and out, etc. These are great features to have. The Infinity is gonna cost you quite a bit more than the old Boss guy tho.Never mind that you can go way over the top with it...While the price tag is a bit more, it's also built to be a problem solver. In addition, it won't be stupid money once you are talking about throwing in a decent A/B/Y box.

Loop(ing) Pedal.

If you are handy with a soldering iron you can make a junction box. I have this old EH version all of the jacks are just strait wired to each other. It can be handy and small for multiplying you signal. One in and whatever number of jacks you can fit in your enclosure. On Ebay they run $30As well wiring your own looper is not hard, I generally just by AB switches I see used and rewire them it takes a few minutes you have all the components and enclosure done used I see them all the time for $30. You could get one of these just rewire it to by a y. There are lots of schem on line and you can simplify them pulling out led wireing and suchOr if you have a mini resistance mixer laying around use it in reverse - plug into the output and then use the pots to control the outputs through the inputs. There are a lot of versions of this but the DOD is typical.The main reason I originally showed you the Radical ABY box is that it has the switches which allows you to solve the basic problems that you run into dong this splitting to two amps. Especially if they are two amps of different makes but it can work if you split it using a mono in stereo out pedal if you like check it out and see if you need to upgrade. Please use only amps with a grounded 3 prong plug not the old ones with a two prong and switch. The main issue with this as I mentioned are ground and phase. Back in the day there seemed to be a lot of concern that you could damage an amp doing this if it was not set up right.I have done it both ways but if I split from a stero effects box I tend to go one side to di and the DI I use is a radial and has similar switching options on it not another amp. I remember one guy back in the day went into a stereo rack graphic eq that split out into two amps one a bass and another small one milked in his rack the rack was used to have different eqs for each .Again if you are handy with a soldering iron you can fix phase by rewiring a cable. They sell soldering irons for a dollar at the .99 store and solder is the same price. The pigtronix loop thing is so awesome I want one now. I did not know it was out there.But though you are asking for us to provide a solution, I think you have already made up your mind to do it as you have discussed and just want to argue about our provided solutions that differ from your own solution. So give it try your way. I have also dreamed of getting two of those Vox mini ac 30 things with the small speakers to do stereo at low volume. My favorite recorded guitar sound from a couple of years ago was running stereo into two Matchless AC 30 clones. Which sounds awesome but was loud. Though lately for home recording I have been running into a Princeton and a Univox solid state with built in Super Fuzz with separate effects chains which sound good. When I split I generally am doing two different effects runs and have a tendency to split the runs from a delay early in my chain with a short delay the blend set to 0 so the two runs are slightly offset time wise the cleaner one coming first followed by the heavy effects. So each guitar overdub is 3 tracks including my DI clean run.

Loop(ing) Pedal.

Here is a simple cheap AB box about $14 used around $30 new. with that you get three jacks and a housing maybe a switch. So you save on what you would pay in new parts. As a AB box I generally use these backwards so the A and B go to different guitars and the input goes to my effects.To make a effects loop you only need to add one 1/4 inch jack and drill a hole and probably replace the switch with a DPDT switch. Maybe $15 less for me because I have a bunch of salvage parts.Wire it like this.If you want a splitter you have all the parts you need you just need to rewire. You would leave the switch out and run from the input jack to the two output jacks.Like I say I pick these up when I see them used, they provide some DIY solutions for me on the cheap. Not that real ones are not better in some way the JHS $80 is smaller buffered and has a LEDhttps://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BuffSplit--jhs-buffered-splitter-micro-single-in-dual-out-pedal?mrkgcl=28&mrkgadid=3331289246&rkg\_id=0&product\_id=BuffSplit&campaigntype=shopping&campaign=aaShopping%20-%20Core%20-%20Guitars%20-%20Category&adgroup=Guitars%20-%20Guitar%20Pedals%20%26%20Effects&placement=google&adpos=1o1&creative=332063179833&device=c&matchtype=&network=s&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImryz7PH\_4AIVnIizCh23NAkuEAQYASABEgL0xvD\_BwEI think Boombats has a good point too but all of us who try to do this at some point are dealing with what eaver unique situation we are trying to solve. An example is I at one point had one of the mini mixers splitting my signal and another mini mixer at the end mixing the four effects lines back into one (for a recording experiment). I knew a guy that had a special morley multi line volume controller (which I think was a standard item they sold at some point) that did something similar but he was a big stage guy and wanted to adjust the blends of the runs on the fly. I have a Ibanez volume pedal that also does blend from two lines so running it in reverse you would have two line outs you could blend. So many ways to get to the same end. Sometimes I use a used mini mixer I got used and use a aux send and other routing for certain things in my effects loop. Since it has usb audio out it allows to route through ipads and computers and back in. Love that Adrian Beloo Flux app which is cheaper than a hardware solution. It sounds like you have some things on hand including a mixing board so it is always best to explore what you have as opposed to buying your way to a solution if you don't have to.

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