Best Shellac Q & A?

ironyengine wrote:There was a question at the Cleveland show, right before TG25, that involved industrial shellac or something of that sort. I didn't really hear the question but I vaguely remember Steve saying that it was probably the best they've ever been asked.

I wish this post were more useful. Alas.

I vaguely remember this. This was where the guy was yelling about how he hated Shellac because he worked for Turtle Wax, no? And Todd came out and said "Well I work for Shellac"?

Plus something about hot dog pizza. Bob asks "pizza with hot dog on it?" "No, pizza stuffed in pig intestine". Or something to that effect.

Best Shellac Q & A?

honeyisfunny wrote:
dunbar wrote:Not really a question but a pretty decent answer,
I remember some guy at ATP was yelling out
Steve said something like
"this one's gonna be loud as hell...
you just have to listen carefully"

I remember that, it was an American lady who then starting fake-climaxing as the song started.

I remember "LOUDER, LOUDER!"
followed by someone else shouting "JA, UND SCHNELLER!"

Also, someone asked Bob "What kind of Saab do you drive?"
I didn't hear the answer.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Best Shellac Q & A?

The 15 minute explanation at Martyrs about the ink used to make the covers was pretty funny.

There have been so many good ones I've seen but I cannot for the life of me remember any.

'What will you do when all the analog tape runs out?'
'We'll just use a computer like everyone else'
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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