daniel robert chapman wrote:Arson Smith wrote:Heeby Jeeby wrote:C'mon now I find it very hard to believe that the mother didn't know anything about this. 24 years in the same house, he had seven kids with his own daughter, in the same house. Locked, combination door, retractable bookcase or not I'm calling bullshit on her.
That's what I'm also struggling with when I think about this... no matter how hidden or soundproofed or whatever that the basement dungeon was... I mean apparently he must have spent significant time down there whether doing horrible things, or doing routine basics like bringing them food, etc.
"OK, wife, I'm going to go work in the basement now - don't come down, OK?"
"Uh, OK husband." (thinks to self "Boy I guess that husband of mine sure likes to tinker for hours at his workbench down there... a lot")
It kind of blows my mind to think of 24 years worth of conversations like that, and she had no clue anything was fishy?BBC or somewhere wrote:Investigators are convinced that Fritzl had operated alone. Leopold Etz, the chief investigator for the Lower Austria province, said yesterday that DNA tests confirmed that no man other than Fritzl had entered the soundproof cellar rooms.
I buy her story. I don't think a secret dungeon stays secret for twenty-four years if you tell someone; I think her behaviour now would betray her if she'd known, and the cops don't suspect her worth a dime.
allright, but then how do you live with someone building a soundproof house-within-a-house in your basement or crawlspace or whatever? & not notice anything? unimaginable, but then i guess this whole story stretches the imagination to the limit.
i bet that house would make a hella home studio or rehearsal space.