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Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:32 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
sometimes it strikes me as a way for people with low self esteem to still go through the motions of getting dressed up without the success of looking pretty at the end of it.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:35 pm
by Piasek_Archive
goth is for kids. crap.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:14 pm
by Mark Lansing_Archive
A friend told me about this, and it's hilarious ... a Goth Cruise!

I mean, what do they do all day? They're not going to go out on the deck in the sunrise, are they?

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:30 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
H-GM wrote:
placeholder wrote:OK, I'll 'fess up. In highschool, I was one of these "goths". Granted, I wasn't into fantastical crap (I've always hated fairies, werewolves, and all that stupid Dungeons and Dragons crap that so many of these people seem to be into), and I didn't wear fangs or a cape or anything, but I did have the Robert Smith hair and black lipstick and stuff. The majority of so-called goth stuff I listened to in my spookier days I still listen to now, i.e. Joy Division, the Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Cabaret Voltaire, Bowie, Skinny Puppy, TG, Chrome, Alien Sex Fiend, early Sisters of Mercy, the first Christian Death album, etc, etc, etc. I figured out pretty fast that all that newer "goth" stuff that was coming out on Cleopatra and Projekt was utter garbage, though I think I had some Black Tape for a Blue Girl, one Rosetta Stone album, and maybe one Switchblade Symphony album for curiosity's sake. I found that stuff tiresome, and sold it pretty quickly.

Placeholder, were you ever a fan of Sex Gang Children? I only had one cassette of theirs, Ecstasy and Vendetta over New York. At the time I remember not being too much into it, but would welcome any views you have on them.

'Mauritia Mayer (Long Version)' is a really fantastic song by this band.
I really love it, nothing else they've done does much for me but man that track is the shit.
I have attempted a cover of this song several times with several different bands of mine and have never done it anywhere near justice.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:36 pm
by jermwelfare_Archive
that damned fly wrote:hilarious.

i mean, those metal kids are hilarious too.

"i dress like the kind of music i listen to."

someone told me once that i was dressed "very post punk."

i'm generally told i'm dressed like a communist. communists are post punk.

You do tend to dress like a communist, do you buy your clothes on the black market?

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:21 pm
by placeholder_Archive
AnthonyVillalobos wrote:This photograph is awesome.

This statement is correct.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:36 am
by FuzzBob_Archive
Mark Lansing wrote:A friend told me about this, and it's hilarious ... a Goth Cruise!

I mean, what do they do all day? They're not going to go out on the deck in the sunrise, are they?

This can't be serious. The ship calls on Nassau, St. Martin and St. Thomas. Lots o' sun in those places. Also, how many goth couples can afford the $3K? It's not like their comic book store wages pay that well.

I'd love to see the Math Rock Cruise.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:12 am
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Goth was like this disease that infected a lot of people back in the mid '80s. Most of them eventually recovered; put away the bondage harnesses, patent-leather pointy boots and foppish clothes, threw out the eyeliner and pancake makeup so their skin got better. Some turned into hippies, others became metalheads, some even obtained successful jobs in the corporate and academic sectors.

There was a minor resurgence of the epidemic in the mid-90s and goths started appearing on Jenny Jones and Sally Jessy Raphael, but that was a relatively short-lived phase.

The time of sickness is now largely passed, except for the occasional small outbreak and a few chronic, terminal cases like Marilyn Manson.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:38 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
jermwelfare wrote:
that damned fly wrote:hilarious.

i mean, those metal kids are hilarious too.

"i dress like the kind of music i listen to."

someone told me once that i was dressed "very post punk."

i'm generally told i'm dressed like a communist. communists are post punk.

You do tend to dress like a communist, do you buy your clothes on the black market?

if you mean ebay, then yes. most of them are gifts though.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:28 pm
by SecondEdition_Archive
Hilarious, sexless fetishism and overdramatic self-pity never die.

Not Crap, but I don't get it.

And how can someone dress "post-punk"? Does that mean people wear fruity shirts like Josef K all the time?