Heeby Jeeby wrote:Guns freed your country from British tyranny? Mine too. I can see why protecting the right to gun ownership seemed so important to the founding fathers but situations change and so must ideas and laws.
I think the point is that tyranny is still around after 200 years. The right was defended (it seems to me) not so that folks can get rid of home burglars but so that the people can get rid of tyrants.
Not that Americans used theirs to get rid of the thief this time around but there you go.
Question: do you think that (violently) oppressed people should be armed?
Take Zimbabwe as an interesting current case in point.
The people don't want Mugabe.
The international community does fuck all.
Should 'the people' be given guns?
Note: I am only using Zimbabwe as an example because it is a current pertinent example in the press a lot at the moment.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.