Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Georgia and August Greenberg, Sing Songs For You And Me
Amesome. Sincerely.
Tmidge, I can't believe I haven't yet heard your record. Io, head perenially in the sand. Today, I stop dreaming of wiffle stardom and set out to purchase said record.
Kerble, lo mismo, and Mr. Weissenberger as well.
Otherwise, on the consumerism tip, I must say this Arcade Fire record appears to be something special. This record makes me remember sounds of this record when I am not listening to this record, making me want to listen to this record again.
Or, as sez Faiz,
Faiz wrote:oh lord
Yeah. Fucking good record.
Yup, I'm a kid. I'm hardly midway through the twenties (which I hear these days are more like the thirties [a myth constructed by twenty-nine year-olds I'd say]) but I guess that might make me more "qualified" than some other, older, wiser folks... which is strange. I think that is certainly the sincere record of the year for my ilk. Sincere, I think--very sincere, for the target, ages like mine.
But I've done more history searching this year than "now" searching. I've probably heard fewer brand new records this year than I can count on my digits. The older ones, they're another story, records that would be in contention for my subjective "record of the year."
Then again, right now it's the New Year barely four hours in.