Who, THe

Total votes: 23 (24%)
Total votes: 72 (76%)
Total votes: 95

Band: Who, The

Still...The Who is crap.

You can't say "hope I die before I get old" and then become the ultimate "rock & roller"...the ultimate sell out.

Most of their material is not that strong. High cheese factor.

The Rolling Stones are similar to the Who in many ways...but the Rolling Stones kick ass and made lots of good albums...the Who did not.

I think Keith Moon was some kinda genius drummer though.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Who, The

r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:how's the film..

After Time Warner/DC Comic's little threat...mostly dead in the water! Unless I can find a network willing to invest enough money in my film to cover stupid legal hurdles (already had one network chicken out). Time Warner has apparently never heard of "Fair Use" though it wouldn't keep them from bogging the project down in legal bullshit.

Those fuckers.

what about some who song?

They wouldn't sell me the rights to "Cock-lovin' Superman."

Band: Who, The

Yesterday, in the car with my dad, we heard a radio interview with Reg Presley of the Troggs, who mentioned a strong rivalry between them and the Who when they were on a tour of the States together. Presley said that it escalated when the Troggs, who were supporting, received a five minute plus standing ovation in Birmingham, Alabama, because Love Is All Around happened to be a local hit when they visited.

Keith Moon was the main culprit. One trick he did was to take Ronnie Bond's taped up bundle of spare drum sticks, saw them in half, then tape the bundle back together, leaving him with only a single stick to keep time with, other arm left flailing.

The other trick mentioned involved Moon creeping up behind Bond during a gig and start tapping a tambourine out of time with the music.

Presley said that he would hear the drummer lose time, turn around, and see Bond going cross-eyed in confusion.

Band: Who, The

You know, I actually like The Who. I've often found some of their music is incredible (e.g. Live at Leeds, which, I think, is as close to pure distilled power as rock music gets). But this album really is not doing it for me. Who's Next is good (if overrated). Tommy is good (if flakier than a box of Kellogg's). I love The Who Sell Out and My Generation. But this album, this Quadrophenia...Pete, tossing in massive horn and synth overdubs on every song doesn't make you sophisticated. Anyone else have this reaction? (This question is directed towards people who actually like this band.)
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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