Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

This is exactly why I just made that parts Fender that I put in the 'projects' thread. Every year when the tax return rolls in I get the itch to buy. I've got 6 guitars...and I haven't played guitar in a band for 3 years, I'm on bass duty now. Shit, I've got 2 basses and a third on the workbench. I've got a half a dozen rad old tube amps, vintage effects that I hardly use...etc. The difference now compared with 15-20 years ago is that now everything works, I know how to use it, I have a band that's been at it for 10 years and we put out records and play shows. I try to scratch the gear itch in a more responsible way than I used to; I look to spend a small amount of money that won't break the bank or fuck with my ability to pay bills. Also, I talk to my wife about it rather than trying to sneak gear into the house and feeling weird about it. She gets it, I'm a tinkerer and I always have been, but now rather than buy a guitar and then put it away and burn with a dull, faint guilt about it, I build something (maybe assemble would be more accurate). But, anyway, I buy something reasonably inexpensive, get to spend weeks and hours enjoying the project, and then I've got something with a story to it at the end. This is how I've sort of managed what used to be pretty compulsive behavior.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

Whoops I've become an even worse gear asshole than I was last year! At least I've started to sell off some of the stuff I'm not actively using. My excuse for buying more pedals atm is that the band I joined recently is a bit more shoegazy/effects-heavy than I would have come up on my own so I feel it's kind of necessary. Still though, I do feel like the stuff I want to get is ultimately utilitarian in purpose and not completely frivolous, while still feeling I'm one or two things away from going Full Greenwood.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I guess I'll always be tinkering, but in terms of amps and guitars and stuff, I'm reckon I'm good. I have a guitar too many, because I broke my own "one in, one out" policy buying a Tele Custom, and despite my best efforts, no-one's bought the outward bound guitar. My 12 string doesn't get a whole lot of use, but fuck it, I'm keeping it.Pedals, I've got rid of quite a few, but can see me always tinkering, particularly with gain pedals. Why not?
yaledelay wrote:FUCK YOU APPLE PIE you are a old man...

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I pretty much am.Just did another purge. Down to one very simple drum kit. My 4 snares will soon be 2. I need to move a few things around, then I'll be down to one guitar and a small amp. Even that feels extravagant. I haven't owned this little gear in about 20 years. Feels pretty good, actually. I wasn't playing most of it anyway.I'll continue to eye every old set of Ludwigs on Craigslist, and maple-necked Teles and ASATs will always give me pause, but I'm following more of a "one-in, one-out" philosophy these days.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

Reading the last page of the thread made me seek out this ASAT Special that's been at a shop in town for a while. From playing it months ago, I remembered that the pickups weren't as great as I'd expected, but that the neck was almost perfect. Tried it out yesterday, and I still don't care for the pickups (if they were 15% less Stratty they'd be perfect), but now I also I find the neck too thin and modern. I thought that type could be what I was after ”my Jazzmaster's neck is a fully vintage profile, and my Ric and Hi-Flier are their own things ”but it's not, at least not this week.No sense trying to solve a problem you can't even consistently say is a problem.

Are You 'Gear Satisfied?' Are you Satisfied?

I'm pretty happy. I can get basically whatever sound I want with the guitars on-hand. I wouldn't mind replacing some of my cymbals, though. My hihats were cracked when I got them and haven't gotten any better with use. Both of my crashes are Zildjians, one a decent, but worn A and the other a cheap Amir II that came with my craigslist special kit. I'd like to replace them both with 2002s to match the hats and ride. An 18 and a 20, methinks. When I replace the hats, I'd like to go 15 or 16 this time.

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